Chapter 5 Party 🍻

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Friday, the day before the party

Tara and Wes haven't really spoken since they broke up, though he has tried to contact Tara but she ignores his calls.

It was lunch time, every one in the group was at the table but Amber.
"Has anyone seen Amber?" Mindy asked looking around.
"She was just stopping by her locker before she comes to us" Liv responded then giving Chad a smooch.
Tara and Jenny were side by side talking. Tara has been getting pretty close to Jenny and hasn't paid much attention to Amber.
"Oh here she comes" Liv said to Mindy.
Amber was walking over.
Tara and Jenny stopped and looked over towards Amber who was making her way to them.
Amber sat down next to Mindy
"Welcome welcome" Mindy said laughing.
Amber didn't look in Tara's direction until she overheard
"So what time am I picking you up tomorrow" Jenny asked giggling. Amber tilted her head and raised her eyebrows.
"Hmm probably come to my house around 4" Tara responded not realising Amber could hear everything.

"Tara can we go talk" Amber said cutting Jenny's response off. Tara looked at Amber then back at Jenny "I'll be back" Tara said. The girls walked away from the group.
"What Amber?" Tara asked. Turning to Amber.
"Well you're coming to my party tomorrow with some girl, we haven't even talked or hung out since you freaked out on me and left my house" Amber said. "I just want to go back to normal with you" Amber added.
"I'm sorry I just haven't known what to say to you that's all.... Lets move on okay" Tara said.
"And why did you lie to me the other day, you weren't with Sam you were with her." Amber asked. Tara looked down "to tell you the truth I don't know. I have been too nervous to face you. I'm sorry Amber" Tara responded. They hugged and went back to the group.

The bell rang Amber was ditching but before she left Mindy grabbed her arm "How did that go, youse okay?" Mindy asked.
"Uh I'm not sure, maybe we will talk more at the party." Amber responded.

Time skip (4pm Saturday)

Jenny knocked on Taras door "heyyy" Jenny said as soon as Tara opened the door. "Hi hi" Tara responded. The girls got ready.

Tara sent a photo to the group chat they have on Snapchat.

Tara sent a photo to the group chat they have on Snapchat

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Wes responded within seconds

Wes responded within seconds

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