Chapter 8 ✨ Aforementioned stuff ✨

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Amber had a shower and prepared to just relax for the day.

Text between Amber and Tara
Amber- I loved the way you felt last night🙈
Tara- Your hands were cold but I enjoyed it.
Amber- I miss you x
Tara- you too.

Amber felt like Tara was a bit off but she let it slide.

Tara, Mindy and Liv went to the park to hangout.
"So whats going on with you and Tara?" Mindy asked looking directly at Tara.
"I don't know I don't want to put a name on it yet and I don't want anyone else outside of our group to know" Tara said while she stuffed her face.
"Yea totally no worries!" Liv said with a smile on her face. 

Time skip Sunday night before bed messages between Amber and Tara.
Amber - hey maybe we could FaceTime and sleep on cal?
Tara- sorry I can't, see you tomorrow baby x sweet dreams.
Amber - Goodnight pretty girl x

Tara loves when Amber calls her that. She only likes Amber saying it no one else. It made her nervous but in a good way.
Amber blushed and put her phone down to see Tara in her dreams.

School day time skip to after school.
Amber and Tara were walking out together until Jenny pulled Tara back to talk.
"What the fuck" Amber said
"Hey stranger u don't talk to me when SHE is around why's that?" Jenny asked.
"Cause I'm trying to keep things good with Amber, it's going smoothly right now and I'm really enjoying her company" Tara responded.
"Well can we go on a date tomorrow night" Jenny questioned.
"Jenny. I'm kind of somewhat WITH Amber now and as I said it's going great" Tara said looking at Amber.
"Move along little one" Amber said smirking.
Tara caught up to Amber.
"Little one?" Tara questioned laughing.
"It was the first thing that came to my mind shut up" Amber drove Tara home and gave her a slow kiss on the lips.
"See you tomorrow cutie" Amber said.
Tara got out of the car and waved bye.

Time skip later that night
Tara was cooking pasta for herself as she was home alone for the night.

text messages between Amber and Tara.
Amber - You should come over.

Tara smiles and texts back
Tara - oh really?   and do what?
Amber- fun... stuff.    :)

Tara grins to herself as she stirs her pasta.
Tara-  I can't leave the house tonight.... YOU should come HERE...... and do the aforementioned stuff.

Tara takes a deep breath in as she sees the dots as Amber is typing.

Amber- Convince me?
Tara- I'm cooking pasta, I'm home alone, alcohol.
Amber- Gotta do better.

Tara then smirks and lift up her shit taking a photo of her chest (she doesn't have a bra on)
Amber- SOLD
Tara- Message me when you're here ;)

Tara did a little jump as she was excited to finally have Amber all to herself in her house, she was cooking her dinner, it was the perfect date.
15 minutes passed until she got a message from Amber saying she was there. Tara let her in and they hugged each other. It was kind of awkward as this was the first time they were truly alone together having a romantic dinner.
"I brought this wine hope it's okay" Amber said blushing.
"That's perfect" Tara responded.

The girls sat down at the table across from each other to have dinner.
"The photo you sent before made me weak at the knees" Amber said smirking.
"Maybe later tonight you can see more" Tara said instantly looking down as if she was embarrassed.
Amber coughed as she choked on her pasta when Tara said that.
"This is great. The dinner, having you all to myself" Amber said.
The girls just stared into each other's eyes and finished up the dinner.

They decided to cuddle on the couch and watched a movie on Netflix but 15 minutes before the movie ended Tara looked at Amber and said "want to go upstairs?"
"Sure" Amber said getting nervous on the inside.
Amber made her way upstairs to Taras room while Tara was turning the tv off and lights off down stairs.
Tara got to her room and closed the door and turned on her heater in her room.
"You sure we will need that?" Amber said "it'll get hot in here soon" she added. Grinning.
Tara climbed into the bed and onto Tara. They didn't say a word for the first minute because they were both admiring each others beauty.
"You are so beautiful" Amber said. Tara took her hoodie off and climbed on to of Amber.
Amber couldn't keep her hands off of Tara.
"How did I get so lucky" Amber whispered. Tara started moving her hips as Amber kept her hands on her waist moving along with the motion. Tara was grinding on Amber while they made out for a solid 3 minutes.
They suddenly stopped when Amber pulled back and asked "are you....ready? I don't want to do anything if you aren't comfortable with it" 
"You are so cute for asking but take full control and dominate me" Tara demanded.

That's the end of this chapter, youse have something to look forward to for the next ;) I'm sorry if this one was wayyyy too short and boring. There will be smut in the next chapter so here's the warning because we will be diving straight in!! Have a good day guys and please leave feed back!

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