Chapter 4 It's a date

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Tara sat at the back of the class for her last session of the day, Mindy was also in her class so she sat down right next to Tara.
"So was that a heat of the moment break up or for real?" Mindy asked. Tara looked at her "it was real. I don't feel anything for him anymore" Tara responded. Jenny walked into the class but saw there wasn't any room for her next to Tara or even on the same table.
Mindy looked at Tara and said "you know something tells me she likes you a bit more than a friend"
"Huh who Jenny no way" Tara said as she put her head up to look towards Jenny.
"Amber likes you, Wes would obviously still like you and I strongly believe Jenny now does too" Mindy responded. Tara just kept her head down and got her books out "shut up Mindy" shaking her head Tara responded.

Time skip heading out of school
"HEY WAIT UP" Tara heard a voice say behind her. She turned around and saw it was Jenny. Now Tara didn't want to come across rude so she stopped to talk to her, not knowing in the distance Amber was watching.
"Hello Jenny what's up?" Tara said giving Jenny a smile.
"So I thought maybe we could go to your friend Ambers party together since Wes won't be taking you" Jenny said. Tara knew if she said yes Amber would be furious but she also felt bad for Jenny.
"Uhmmmmm sure why not" Tara said chuckling at Jenny.
"That's great" Jenny responded giving Tara a hug but in a flirty way grabbing Taras waist while Tara hugged her back with her arms around Jennys neck.
Amber watched this and once she saw that she leaned forward to storm towards them until she was grabbed from behind.
"Let it go" Amber turned around and saw Mindy.
"Get the fuck off me" Amber said abruptly. "Shit sorry Mindy, my emotions are just all over the place, and what you said earlier doesn't help" Amber added.  Mindy hugged Amber and said "hey I honestly wouldn't worry about it. The party will be at your house, your rules. You'll get some alone time with Tara" Amber hated the way Tara and Jenny laughed together. Amber decided to text Tara.

Text messages between Amber and Tara
Amber - "hey Tara want to hang out, we should talk"

Tara😘 - "No can do, Sam is picking me up have to get home and help her pack"
                                                     Seen 2 minutes ago

Amber knew that was a lie because she saw Tara and Jenny get into Jennys car and leave. Amber decided to leave Tara on seen.
Amber went to the shops alone to buy some snacks and drinks for the party on the week. She tried hard not to think about Tara but that was pretty difficult especially when she just heard a familiar laugh from the aisle over.
"You have got to be kidding me" Amber thought to herself. Amber grabbed her cart and went straight to the check out, she ran right into Tara.
"AMBER" Tara said in a shocked tone.
"Hahaha what happened sweetie" Jenny said while caught up behind Tara.
"Get out of my way." Amber demanded not even looking at Tara. Tara saw Ambers jaw clench.
"That is so hot when she does that" Tara thought to herself.
But she also knew it meant Amber was furious.
Amber heard Jenny call Tara sweetie and that just pissed her off even more.
"See you at the party" Jenny said.
"You think you're coming?!" Amber responded.
"Tara and I are going together, it's a date hehehe" Jenny said smiling. Amber had a frown and looked at Tara. Tara knew that just hurt Amber.
Amber just paid for the stuff and left, not even turning back because she felt a tear roll down the side of her left check, she instantly wiped it.

Amber got home when she got a message from Tara.

Text message from Tara
Tara😘 - it's not a date I don't know why she said that"
             Left on seen

Amber decided to ignore Tara, because even if the date  wasn't true, Tara still lied to her and has been weird towards her ever since they had that steamy moment.
"Fuck this" Amber said out loud. She got up and decided to start looking for an outfit she'll wear to her party. She was going to find one that she knew will drive Tara crazy and regret the way she's being treating Amber.

She sent a message to Mindy.

Just pretend Amber sent a mirror selfie in that top

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Just pretend Amber sent a mirror selfie in that top

Amber looked at the message and smiled.
Amber knew she looked hot in that outfit and that it would drive Tara crazy, her heart was still hurting to the fact Tara lied to her to be with Jenny.
All Amber wanted to do was at least talk to Tara about their little session and maybe even have another.... And maybe another after that one. But she knew she had to sort things with her.
Ambers plan is to have some drinks (alcoholic drinks) at her party to get the confidence to talk to Tara because Tara makes her so nervous in a good way.
And even if Tara did call it a date like Jenny did, Amber plans on ruining that date at any cost because when she wants something she will get it.

Hiii so the next chapter will be the party. So get excited for that!! I'm sorry if this chapter was bad or boring but I hope it was somewhat entertaining! I'm gonna try to keep doing a chapter a night for as long as I can!!!
Again don't forget to leave feedback, your thoughts and suggestions and don't forget you're loved and appreciated!
Enjoy your day/night wherever you are!!

Also last thing I wish Mikey Madison had social media 🥺🥹😭😩

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