Chapter 2 Date

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Tara looked at the clock to see there are 10 more minutes of class until lunch. Normally she gets excited at this point, but the tension with Amber was on her mind. Tara was nervous to see her after the way she acted earlier that morning. Jenny saw Tara's face.
"Are you happy it's finally lunch time?" Jenny asked.
"I mean to eat I'm excited, but to face a certain person not so much" Tara responded.

The bell rang
Tara picks up her books and begins to walk to her locker only to run into Wes.
"Hey beautiful how was class" Wes says with a grin on his face.
"It was very boring, you know math isn't fun" Tara laughed. She looked over her shoulder to where Ambers locker is, she didn't see Amber.
Wes pays for their lunch and they head over to the group table to see Chad and Liv already there.
"Hello hello you too" Chad says.
"Have you seen Amber" Tara asked, Wes grunts "now why would you want to see her, she's not very good to look at" Wes laughs. Tara just glares at him. Until Liv says "oh here they come"
Tara looks behind her to see Mindy and Amber walking over to them, she can see Ambers beautiful mysterious smirk while her black long hair slightly blows in the wind. But Ambers smile quickly left when she saw Tara.

"Hi guys" Amber says, while she places her lunch and phone down.
"Damn did we interrupt something" Mindy says because the group went silent.
"Amber what happened to your phone?" Tara asks seeing the crack on her screen that Amber caused when she slammed her phone down after seeing Tara's message earlier.
"Oh I dropped it on accident" Amber responds.
"Uh huh" Tara says.
"Oh guys that new girl Jenny is going to come sit with us" Tara randomly blurts out while she looked at Amber to see her reaction.
"Coolio" Wes says "I'd love to meet your new bestie" Wes added, turning to Amber smirking cause it is quite clear Amber doesn't like the new girl.
"Fuck it I'm skipping" Amber says abruptly getting up to walk to her car. Tara didn't understand what the problem was but decided to run after Amber and get into her car with her.
"Me too" Tara says as a response to Amber saying she's going to skip.

"I don't know why you're acting this way" Tara says.
Amber responds "you shouldn't skip, can't disappoint your new best friend on her first day"
"She's not my best friend, in fact I'm looking directly at the most important person to me" Tara says while locking strong eye contact with Amber.
Amber got butterflies in her stomach. She smirked. "Can't disappoint you now can I" Tara says.
Amber cleared her throat and tilted her head.
"Movies and snacks at your place?" Tara asked.
"It's a date" Amber responded.

They arrived at Amber place. Her parents weren't home so they had the house to themselves.
"I like the idea of us having the house to ourselves" Tara says. Amber turns to her and blurts out a question she instantly regrets "does Wes know we flirt?"
There was an awkward pause until Tara responded
"I mean don't all friends flirt, besides I think I'm going to end things with him" Ambers face lit up. "Oh really, you can do so much better than him anyways" she said. Tara just nodded her head somewhat agreeing.  They headed upstairs to Ambers room, turning the tv on.
"You know that new girl, I have a weird feeling she likes me" Tara says. Amber did not like that at all.
"Is that so?" Amber asks, facing Tara. Tara gives a slight smile "I didn't say for sure but I get that vibe" tara says.
"I don't blame her, look at you" Amber says while she looks Tara up and down checking her out, Amber moved closer to Tara causing Tara to take a step back getting closer to the bed. The sexual tension was building and they both knew it.
"Would it be bad if I'm enjoying the butterflies in my stomach you're giving me right now" Tara asked.
Amber gets closer and closer to Tara until she grabs Tara to move around her so she could sit on the bed.
"I can make this more enjoyable for you if you let me" Amber says, indicating Tara to straddle onto her on her bed. 
Their faces were almost touching, Tara could feel Ambers breath near her lips, Amber was holding back.
"Say the words...... and..... I'm.... I'm all yours" Amber says as her breathing got heavier, touching Taras cheek wanting Tara to let her know she wants her.
"Yes please you have my consent" Tara says as their lips slowly touched, Tara felt Amber smile as they began to make out.

Tara gets a call on her phone.
Causing the girls to break the make out session

"Fuck meeee" Tara says grunting.
"With pleasure" Amber responds with the biggest smirk. Tara got off Amber and answered the phone. It was Wes.

Phone call with Wes. Put on loud speaker
Wes - "Hey I'm with Jenny we are coming to get you from Ambers. We're almost there"

Tara - "what the fuck Wes"
Wes hung up the phone

"You're really just gonna leave me after that" Amber says getting up off of her bed.
"Well I clearly don't have a choice" Tara responds. Amber was clearly annoyed.
"Wow ditching, I thought we were about to have fun" Amber says.
"Amber listen I enjoyed that but I feel soooo awkward right now I don't know what it was but I'm still dating Wes and I'm not going to cheat on him. We can maybe talk about this later" Tara says.
"I waited for consent before we went at it" Amber says.
Tara ignores her, pushing past Amber to go wait outside for Wes and Jenny. The car pulls up, Jenny gets out of the passenger seat to get into the back giving Tara a hug. Wes also got out saying loudly "MY GIRL LETS GO" kissing her on the lips. Tara gets in the car. Amber watched all of this from her window and listening.

"What the fuck was that" Amber thinks to herself. "Wes is always getting in my fucking way and now this bitch Jenny" Amber says to herself out loud.
Amber didn't hear from Tara for the rest of the day.
Amber has to confront Tara about her feelings, but she decides she will do that at her house party she has planned for the weekend.

Chapter 2 is completed, I'm sorry if this was boring. There will be more chapters very soon! I hope you are enjoying this story and please don't forget to leave feed back and suggestions in the comments!
Have a great day🥹

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