Chapter 11 The Storm

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This is a LONG chapter! Enjoy!!

Tara woke up early, she glanced over at the time to read 7:12am. She turned and looked over towards Amber. Feeling kind of awkward, after what they did last night. Tara decided to let Amber keep sleeping while she got up and headed to the bathroom to have a shower. She tried to close the door quietly but ended up waking Amber.

As Tara was having a lip syncing session in the shower she heard a faint knock.
"Tara" she heard Amber say.
"Oh shit did I wake you?" Tara quickly responded.
"No no you didn't, may I join you?" Amber asked. Tara didn't know what to say as she was still feeling extremely awkward.
"Uh I'm just about done in here I'll come out and see you off" Tara said in hopes Amber would get the hint it was time to leave.
"Oh..... uh... okay I'll pack my things" Amber responded turning away from the door with sigh.

"That was weird" Amber thought to herself but pushed it aside.

Tara didn't know why she was feeling this way.

The water stopped, Tara got out dried off put her clothes on and went out to the lounge room where she saw Amber sitting on the couch.
"I had a great time last night" Amber said smirking at Tara. Amber didn't wanna mention anything Tara said to her before they went to sleep last night.

"Yeah I did too, hey I've got some stuff to do today so I better get an early start" Tara said. Barely making any eye contact with Amber. Amber frowned and then made her way to the door
"Do I get a kiss?" Amber asked pouting at Tara.
"Yea sure" Tara leaned in and gave Amber a peck "I'll see you tomorrow" she said not even letting Amber get a word in.

Amber made her way to her car not understanding anything that just happened.

Ambers pov-
Did I do something wrong? What the fuck was that all about? Amber thought to herself

Tara didn't actually have anything on today she just wanted to be alone and away from that awkward feeling.

Time skip to Monday morning everyone arrived at school.

Tara began walking to the group where all her friends sat. Mindy ran up to her
"HOW DID THE OTHER NIGHT GO?!" Mindy said with excitement.
"The other night?" Tara asked.
"Uhm yeah you and Amber how was it?" She said confused.
"Ohh yeah it was good, I haven't really talked with Amber since she left. I woke up and just felt this awkwardness I don't know" Tara says to Mindy, "don't say anything to anyone please" she added.
Mindy gave Tara a hug "oh don't worry I won't" the girls then made their way over to the table.

"Hey guys" Tara said sort of talking to everyone, making awkward eye contact with Amber.
"Amber" she says and does a slight awkward smile.
"Hi" Amber says.
"TARA" Wes yells.
"Yea Wes" she responds and turns to him.
"We still on for tomorrow?" He asks.
Tara's eyes widened as she knew Amber would have heard that.
"Uhm yeah sure, I got a severe weather warning for tomorrow though so it would have to be somewhere in doors" Tara says, dreading the way Amber would be looking at her. The whole group was listening. Mindy was sat next to Amber and she could see her jaw clenching. She slightly nudges Ambers arm
"you good girl?" Mindy whispers.
"Mhm hm" Amber says.
"Yeah that could work, my place?" Wes smiles
Tara paused as the bell went for class.
"Yes that could work" She responds.
Amber slammed her hands on the table as she got up and stormed off to class.

"Uh oh someone is in troubleeee" Jenny says as she giggles.
"I'll talk to her later" Tara says, as she sighs and watches Amber walk away.

Mindy has first class with Amber.
"Hey, what was that all about?" Mindy questions Amber as she sits down at the back of the class next to her.
"I really couldn't tell you." Amber responds shaking her head.
"Did you guys have a fight or something?" Mindy asks.
"The complete opposite actually.... We spent the night in her room....... Just uh... hanging out. And..." Amber says but stops.
"And what??" Mindy says as she leans closer to listen.
"...... She told me she loves me Mindy..... and now she's going to see Wes at his house tomorrow and she has barley said a word to me. She won't even look at me" Amber responds.
There was an awkward pause.
"Oh...... that's deeper than I thought...." Mindy responds "these things work themselves out though girl, don't worry! Have some drinks with me tomorrow" Mindy adds.
Amber shook her head in agreement "yeah... okay that sounds like a good idea"
The girls then stopped talking to continue into class.

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