Chapter 3 Choose Me

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This chapter contains some smut

Tara, Wes and Jenny were on their way to grab some food. Wes looks over at Tara and asks "did something happen with you and Amber?"
Tara looks straight ahead avoiding eye contact with Wes. "No what why" Tara responded.
" you are looking pretty flustered Tara" Jenny says looking confused. They all stayed silent.

Once they all got out of the car Jenny walks ahead.
"Wes why is Jenny here and I want you to take me home. I'm not hungry" Tara says. Wes turns back to look at Tara. "Because she wants to be your friend and I think she will be a better friend than that bitch you call your best friend Amber" Wes says abruptly.
"That's it I'm walking home, fuck you" Tara says as she's already walking. Though Tara wasn't even sure what was going on between her and Amber she still always feels the need to back her up no matter what.

As Tara made her way home all she could think about was Amber and Amber only.
"Should I message her? I kind of enjoyed whatever that was.... Did Amber enjoy it?.... What do I do about Wes I'm not into him anymore, I don't think I ever really was" These were the thoughts running through Taras mind....

Tara wanted to message Amber so bad but she stopped herself because she was scared. Tara got home took a shower then found herself on her bed. She eventually found herself in a certain mood... (if Yk Yk 😉) She put her hand down her pants and tried to think about Wes. But that wasn't helping. "Why isn't this working or feeling good" she wondered. Until her mind thought of someone else. The person she thought about gave her instant butterflies, it felt amazing. Tara began to slightly moan as she rubbed faster and faster until she finished.... "That.... That was beautiful...... thank you" she paused.... "Thank you Amber" she said to herself out loud. It was Amber that Tara thought about. Over her own boyfriend.

"What does this mean, should I message Amber now.? No I'll wait until I see her at school tomorrow" Tara thought to herself.

7:00am morning.
Tara doesn't even remember going to sleep. She picked her phone up to check the time to see 6 missed calls from Mindy.
Tara called Mindy back straight away...
"Hey I'm so sorry I overslept" Tara said.
"Good you're up I'll text you when I'm out front, see you in 5 mins" Mindy said then she hung up.
Tara rushed to get ready ignoring that Wes had also tried calling her. Instead of texting Tara, Mindy just honked her horn 3 times.
"Hey girl" Mindy said as Tara got in the car.
"Hi" Tara responded. The car drive was just the 2 girls listening to music while Tara just looked out the window.

The girls arrived to school to see the whole group together plus Jenny.
"Uhhh fuck" Tara said under her breath.
"Hey is everything okay Tara?" Mindy asked, looking confused.
"It's okay just a rough start to the morning that's all"
"Morning beautiful" Wes said wrapping his arms around Tara as if nothing happened last night. Tara sat down not even making any contact with Amber.
"Sooo what did you 2 get up to when youse left school yesterday" Chad said looking at Tara and Amber. Amber went to speak but was cut off by Tara "nothing just ate then Wes and Jenny picked me up" Tara said in an quick tone.
"Yup had a threesome with these 2 girls" Wes said sarcastically. Amber glared at Tara clenching her jaw and Tara made quick eye contact with Amber then looked at Wes.
"What the fuck Wes not a time to make jokes" Tara said getting up and leaving the group. Everyone just went silent.

Amber decided she's going to go after Tara.
"Tara wait up" Amber said. Tara turned back and stopped walking.
"Is that true" Amber asked.
"Is what true?" Tara was confused, staring into Ambers eyes.
"That you..... that you did stuff with Wes and Jenny" Amber said with a frown, looking at the ground.
"WHAT no and why would it be any of your business" Tara says. Shocked that Amber would even ask that.
"And are we even going to talk about what happened last night between us" Amber asked hoping Tara is willing to talk. Tara just walked off not looking back at Amber. It hurts Tara that she doesn't want to talk to Amber because she feels too awkward around her at the moment.

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