Chapter 9 Mine

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SMUT Warning 💋

Amber looked up into Taras eyes and flipped her so Amber was now on top. Amber was shocked to see this side of Tara but she had been waiting for this moment for a very long time.

Amber and Tara began to make out, Amber removed her top revealing herself in a black bra looking down at Tara.
"Wow" Tara let out as Amber just took Taras breath away "you're beautiful" Tara added.
Tara couldn't help herself so she grasped Ambers boobs and moved her hands down to touch Ambers waist. Tara then removed her hoodie.
"Holy fuck" Amber said as she pushed Tara down and started biting and sucking on Taras neck, Amber was moving her hands all over Taras body, grabbing her waist, grasping Taras boobs. Amber than began to leaving a trail of saliva (wetness) down Taras body heading down to Taras private area ;)

"Please" Tara moaned out.
Amber went back up to Taras face,
"Uh uh uh now did I say you can talk" Amber said with a smirk putting one finger over Taras lips. Tara laughed. Amber went back down and began kissing Taras thighs. Tara was getting amazing feelings in her stomach as she felt the warm air from Ambers mouth near her private area.
Amber kept strong eye contact with Tara as she started licking.

After awhile of Tara feeling Ambers tongue Amber spreaded Taras legs which made Tara giggle. Amber began with 1 finger feeling the inside of Tara, she then added another finger and started pushing her fingers in and out. Tara was moaning loud, no one was home so she could. "Fuck me harder" Tara said.
Amber have her another lick as she was going in and out with her fingers faster and harder. Taras legs began to shake so Amber kept going and going until she felt this substance.
"Holy fucking shit Amber" Tara said with a huge grin.
"You like riding my fingers huh" Amber said with a smug smirk.
"Best thing I've ever ridden babe" Tara said, she couldn't stopped smiling, she was out of breath.

Amber got up and put on one of Taras flannels but she didn't button it up so she only had her black bra on, Tara loved the look of that.
"Taking my clothes now?" Tara said with a smirk.
"Well I think if I take your virginity I can take your clothes" Amber said, pretty pleased with herself.
"I've never felt this way for anyone Amber" Tara said as she watched Amber walk around her room like she owned the joint.
"Falling for me are you?" Amber smiled.
"Don't get to smug there but I think so" Tara responded blushing.
Ambers face went red as she left the room to use the bathroom.
Tara cleaned up the mess they had made to get some sleep.
Amber got into the bed with Tara.
"We have school tomorrow so we should try sleep" Tara said as she got in a spooning position for Amber to cuddle up behind her.

Time skip morning

"Good morning my pretty girl" Amber said.
"Your girl" Tara responded as she woke up.
"Yep" Amber said smiling and leaning in for a kiss.
They got up and had a cup of coffee.
"Hey mind if I wear this to school I don't have any other clothes" Amber asked knowing she was going to wear that anyway.
"Yeah of course beautiful" Tara responded smiling.

Time skip they meet the group at school
"Oh here they come" Liv said. The group turned to see Amber and Tara walking over.
"No way" Mindy said with a smirk.
Jenny and Wes were quick to ask Mindy what she was talking about.
"What what is it? Wes said.
"Why say that?!" Liv added.
Mindy turned to them and said
"Uhmmm do you not see Amber wearing Taras flannel you know what that means" she laughed at she told them because they looked angry.
"Uh no what does it mean" Jenny said.
Mindy looked towards Tara and Amber, Mindy then said "they clearly did the dirty last night"
"Shut the fuck up Tara would never do anything with her" Wes said clearly annoyed.

"Hey guys" Tara said. Everyone just responded saying hello.
Chad and Liv had to go and talk to a teacher so they couldn't stick around for a chat.
Wes just scoffed looking towards Jenny who slightly nodded her head in agreement with Wes.
"Something wrong" Amber asked sarcastically with a laugh. "Come on baby" Amber added to Tara.
"Well bit of a fuck you if we wanted to talk to Tara" Jenny said.
"Go get fucked lol" Amber said laughing.
"You go get fucked" Jenny responded. Tara scoffed at her and Amber responded "I did last night" Amber said with the biggest grin "well technically I fucked Tara" she added knowing exactly how mad she just made the both of them. "Fuck you Amber" Wes piped up and said.
"Awe Tara will fuck me later" Amber said as her and Tara walked off.
"Really?😂" Tara said to Amber as they walked off laughing.

Time skip to after school.

I know this was a short one but I'm sorryyyy I hope you enjoyed, more chapters to come soon!! Leave your thoughts and suggestions.

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