Chapter 7 My Heart Belongs To You

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May be a bit of smut?

Everyone is now more sober after drinking 3 cups of coffee each.

Amber went silent when Tara said that. Amber had her head down, scared to what Tara was going to say to her.

"As soon as our lips touched the other night I haven't been able to think about anything or anyone else... and tonight it made me realise........" Tara paused, Amber looked up into Taras eyes.... "My heart belongs to you Amber" Amber was shocked. She didn't know if she should believe it. "But you made out with Jenny earlier tonight." Amber questioned.
"It wasn't what it looked like I swear" Tara kept apologising. Even though Amber knew they weren't drunk anymore she was still somewhat hurt and scared to believe Tara, she still doesn't like the fact Taras lips touched someone else's in her bathroom. Amber looked down and sniffled. Tara slowly lifted Ambers head back up with her index finger.
"Hey look at me.... I promise you" Tara whispered.
"My heart belongs to you" Tara said while she slowly leaned in to kiss Amber.
Their lips touched, Tara got butterflies feeling Ambers soft lips. Tara backed off and gave Amber a warm hug and that hug just made Amber feel complete, like nothing else mattered to her.

Amber didn't say anything, they just hugged for what felt like forever until Mindy knocked on the door.
"Come in" Tara said.
"Are you girls okay? We are about to start stab 1, join us" Mindy said.
"We'll be right down" Amber said giving Mindy a slight smile. Tara stood up and then grabbed Ambers soft hands. Amber stood up, Amber was a bit taller than Tara so before they went downstairs they hugged once more. Taras arms around Ambers waist and Ambers arms around just above Taras shoulders.

Tara and Amber interlocked their fingers and headed downstairs. Liv looked at the girls then looked at Mindy and smiled looking proud.
"Now that is what I want to see" Chad said grinning.
Wes scoffed as so did Jenny.
"Pathetic" Jenny said under her breath" Amber catching it.
"What was that? You want to go home?" Amber said to Jenny.
"No no it was nothing" Jenny said back.
"Mhm sure" Amber responded.
Everyone sat down on the couch and started watching the movie. Tara was being spooned by Amber. Every time Amber felt Tara jump because of the movie she pulled her closer to reassure her that she is there for her.

Now because they had a blanket and it was dark no one could see under the blanket. Amber started off with her hands just over Taras waist but 24 minutes into the movie Amber slightly felt Taras arm moving, Tara grabbed Ambers arm and started guiding it to under her hoodie, Amber just went along with it.
Because Tara didn't have a bra on she guided Ambers hand to her boobs. Amber rested her hand on Taras right boob. She gave it a squeeze every now and then causing Tara to slightly moan "mhmm" every time she did this she would fake cough to cover up the quite moan "sorry guys something in my throat" Tara would say every time. Amber loved where her hand was and that Tara was comfortable enough to do it and the fact they could get caught doing this around their friends turned Amber on.

They paused the movie because Mindy had to go pee.
"Are you enjoy this movie Tara?" Wes asked. Not knowing what Amber has been doing this whole time and where her hand was.
"Mhm yes I'm enjoying it very very much" Tara happily said with a chuckle.
She turned around to look at Amber while she said that.
Amber raised one eyebrow looking smug and proud of herself.

This night has turned in to everything I could ever want- Amber thought to herself

Though the night was now going well for them 2 Jenny hated seeing Amber get what she wants.

The movie ended

"Well I'm stuffed I'm going to sleep" Mindy said.
Amber got up and got them all blankets.
"Tara sleep next to me" Jenny said with a huge grin eyeballing Amber.
"I'm sleeping with Amber" Tara responded.
"Soz" Amber said smiling with her heads crossed.
Jenny frowned.

Nothing happened in the bed. Amber and Tara were facing each other. "I'm really happy and thanks for that massage under my hoodie" Tara said grinning.
"Maybe I can massage something else next time" Amber said leaning in for a goodnight kiss. Tara turned around for Amber to spoon her.

The next morning

Amber went down stairs to see everyone already up.
"Damn dressed already" Liv said laughing.
"Couldn't come down here naked could I?" Amber responded with a smirk looking at Jenny. Amber knew exactly what she was doing, she hated Jenny so it was fun. Amber say across from Jenny to intimidate her. Amber sat with her legs open. Tara came down stairs going straight up to Amber she gave her a kiss and then went to the kitchen to Liv, Chad and Mindy. Wes was in the lounge with Amber and Jenny.

As soon as Tara kissed her Amber looked straight over to Jenny and Wes and gave them a smirk while she touched her head.

As soon as Tara kissed her Amber looked straight over to Jenny and Wes and gave them a smirk while she touched her head

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^^^^^^ Amber looking at Jenny and Wes after being kissed by Tara. Looking very smug and pleased with herself.

She knew that pissed both of them off and she LOVED it.
"Fuck this" Wes said standing up and going home.
"Are you going to run away too" Amber said sarcastically to Jenny.
"Nope, I will show Tara how much of a cruel person you really are." Jenny said.
"I'm far from that and remember whos house you are in now get out" Amber stood up and demanded.

Everyone else left half an hour later, Tara was going with Liv and Mindy while Amber had to house set.
"I'll be out in a minute guys" Tara yelled. She jumped onto Amber wrapping her legs around Ambers waist, "see you at school" she said then kissing Amber all over her face.

Amber closed the door and smiled to herself and said out loud "FUCK YES"

Anddd that's this chapter done im sorry if it was boring but aye there's more to come!! Please leave some feed back and suggestions, have a good day!!

My Heart Belongs to YOUWhere stories live. Discover now