Chapter 1"I imprinted on a vampire"

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Bella and Edward has just had their daughter name Renesmee. She's half immortal and half vampire. She has light and dark brown hair. She has chocolate brown eyes. The Cullen Family are happy to have a member of their family. But the happiness doesn't last long. The werewolf are coming to kill Renesmee and get rid of her. Jacob, Bella best friend is a werewolf as well and she is hurt that he went along with the rest of the wolves.

Jacob POV
I see Bella looking at and she looked hurt and upset. She my best friend but I can't betrayal my pack. The Cullen looks like they are ready to attack, so is Bella. Everyone started attacking each other. I ran to Edward and jumped on him in my wolf form. We stared in each other eyes for about a minute until I realized. I just imprinted on a vampire. We looked at each other then at the others.I turn back into my human form then I said"Okay that's enough, let's go." They looked at me like I have lost my every after mind."Now" I said angrily.
They looked at me again but they followed. I looked at Edward then at Bella."Watch y'all backs" I said as I turn back into my wolf form and ran away into the woods.

The Cullen Family looked at each other then back at the woods. They started thinking why did he save them."Well I'm going to check on Renesmee" Bella said as she kissed Edward on the lips. For the first time Edward didn't kiss back. Bella looked at him and said "What's wrong Edward" she said as she looked at him worried. "Nothing, I just need to be alone for a sec" Edward said as he ran into the woods not looking back. As Edward ran into the woods he started to think what the hell happened back there with Jacob. He knows that Jacob imprinted on him, but what he don't know is why?

Jacob POV
We just got back to the house/den and I ran to my room and slammed the door. I couldn't believe I just imprinted on my best friend husband. Plus they just had a child together. I can't ruin that for them, not to Bella. I started crying, I just couldn't believe that just happened. I cried until I fell to sleep. I just had to wait until tomorrow to find out if I really imprinted on him. And if I did then" I imprinted on a vampire"I said as started to fall asleep.

Hello everyone, I hoped y'all enjoy this chapter. I will post another chapter on Wednesday. Bye everyone have a good rest of the day.

"I imprinted on Edward Cullen" Edward/JacobWhere stories live. Discover now