Chapter 13 The Plan

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Caius has been comforting his brother for about 2 hours, after 2 hours Jacob finally fell asleep on Caius lap. Caius smiled at his little brother then looked at Edward talking to Aro about the plan. Caius wonder what the plan was, what ever it is hope it's good enough to defeat Bella. Jasper is worried about Seth and Jacob, if Seth comes into this war he can get seriously hurt. Jasper started to whimpering, and Seth looked over at him."What's wrong baby" Seth said looking at Jasper. Jasper isn't the bottom but he acts like one. He just has certain fears that involves Seth and Jacob."Please don't join this war please Seth, I can't lose you" Jasper said as tears started to come down his face."Jas you won't lose me baby, remember I told you about Jacob being a Phoenix Hybrid which means half werewolf and warlock. He put a spell on everyone so that if we do go into war we can't die. Now look at me" Jasper looked at Seth into his eyes as Seth lifted Jasper chin to look at him."Jas I'm not going anywhere I promise baby okay" Jasper shakes his head yes."Baby use your words please""Yes I understand""Good you know you can always talk to me right""Yes Seth I know. I love you""Love you too baby.""Guys come on Edward is going to explain the plan to us" Sam said. Everyone is now where Edward is at "Okay we all know that Bella is making her revenge to kill Jake and Caius for stealing me and Aro right. Now she thinks that we don't know about her plan so we're going to play along with her games. So Seth you can be in your wolf form and protect your Papa and your siblings along with Renesmee. I don't want y'all to get hurt okay y'all."Yes da-I mean Edward""Seth it's Dad not Edward""Oh okay dad we understand""Good now Jasper you are going to be in the tree with Leah and wait until I give y'all the signal."Got it" Jasper said. He was happy that Seth don't have to be in war and all he has to do is take care of Jacob, his siblings and Renesmee."Aro and Caius, Bella doesn't know that y'all know about her plan so we want y'all to go back to play along and when it's time for our plan to go into play we signal y'all""Okay we got it right Caius""Yeah""Okay Paul you would stay at the border and see if any vampire's come and try to get to Jacob""Okay got it""Dad, Billy, mom, Sam, Emmett and I are going to face Bella, everyone got the plan""Yes we got it""Good now everyone go do whatever y'all want." Everyone went to do stuff and Edward and Aro went to Caius and Jacob."I can take him now Caius, thanks he really loves you as his brother even if your not his biological brother""Thanks." Edward took Jacob and went upstairs and laid him down on their bed. He kissed his forehead and started to think about stuff.

If this plan works then Bella will be dead and we don't have to worry about her anymore. We need that bitch dead so she can stay away from our family. Just you wait Bella, we're coming for you

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