Chapter 31 Family Bonding

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Jacob POV

It has been a whole 6 months since everything has happened. The kids are getting bigger ever day and me and Ed couldn't have been happier. I just woke up to Paris crying, I guess she's hungry. I was about to get up when I saw Edward next to her crib."Ed" I said sounding tired. He smiled at me and pick Paris up and feed her her milk."Sleep baby, your tired. You been up all night with them. Go back to bed" Edward said whispering. I nodded and laid back down and closed my eyes.

Edward POV

I realized that Jacob was asleep because I heard small snoring coming from his side of his bed. I smiled and looked down at Paris. I saw she was asleep so I took the bottle out of her mouth and wiped the milk off of her mouth. I put the bottle on the floor and stood up with Paris in my arms. I put her in her crib and checked on the boys. They were still asleep, I guess they get that from Jacob. I went downstairs to see what everyone else is doing. I saw Renesmee fighting with Emmett over the remote, Jasper talking to Aro as Aro is doing Tiffany hair. Caius training outside with Sam, Derek and Quil, Stiles beating Theo up for eating the last piece of pancake and Scott laughing at Liam bothering Corey and Mason. Mason slapped Liam and kicked him in the balls and Liam fell to the ground."Oww that hurt, what are you made of" Liam said as he hold his balls."How am I'm suppose to know" Mason said as he went back to the house and grabbed a knife and threw it at Liam."OWWW YOU PSYCHO" Liam yelled as he took the knife out of his back and throw it at Corey who caught it and threw it on the ground. Seth came out and laughed at this. He put his hand on Liam back and healed it."Thanks Seth" Liam said.

Liam POV

"Thanks Seth" I said as Seth healed my back."I hate you Mason" I said as I pouted."Yeah yeah you love me" Mason said as he sticked the middle finger up at me."Meanie" I said as I walked towards Edward who is sitting on the stairs."He such a meanie" I said as I sat down next to him."You started it Lee" he said as he patted my head like he use to do when we were younger."Stop calling me that" I said as I pouted and looked at him."How about no" he said as Jacob came out with Theo and the triplets in their arms."Theo give me my nephews now" I said as I stand up."Take Albus, he's more of a people person" he said as he gave me Albus."Aww can we have a child together" I asked him. Theo blushed like crazy and looked down."I think you broke him Liam" Jacob said as he handed Paris to Edward and grabbed my hand and pulled me towards Corey."Cory I need you for a sec babe" Jacob said.(Author Note: They are not dating that's just what he call people sometimes) "What is it" Corey said as he turned to look at us."If Mason was pregnant what would you do" Jacob asked."I would keep the baby and take care of both the baby and Mason" Corey said.

Corey POV

"I would keep the baby and take care of both the baby and Mason" I said as I looked at them."Thanks babe" Jacob said as he dragged Liam back to the house. I smiled at him, I only knew Jacob since we were 12 before I moved when we were 17 and I didn't see him since until now. He just has a habit of calling people babe even when he's not dating them. I saw Mason coming with Jackson getting holded by the ear."What he do" I said."What doesn't he do" Mason said as he still has Jackson ear."All I did was call Scott a mama boy and Mason slapped the shit out of me" Jackson said as I heard Edward started laughing."It's not funny you vamp" Jackson said as Edward sticked his middle finger up at Jackson and Jacob slapped his hand so hard that it could be heard all over the country."Jake don't hurt your husband, Jackson deserves this punishment" I said as I looked at him. He stopped and sticked his tongue out at me like he use to do as well."Your a kid Jake" I said as he continued to stick his tongue out at me. I chuckled and I looked back at Mason and Jackson."Babe let him go" I said. Mason slapped him one more time then he let him go."Liam was right you are a damn psycho" Jackson said as he holded his ear."Thank you" Mason said as he bowed then went to Seth and Jared who are talking."Your boyfriend is a psycho" Jackson said as I laughed at him.


No one POV

After everyone came from outside Esme asked if anyone wants to help her with dinner because lunch has passed already. Aro, Jacob, Seth, Mason, Stiles, Derek and Scott volunteer to help her with dinner while everyone do them. Jacob asked Corey and Theo to watch the triplets for him since Edward went out hunting with Sam and Jasper. Jacob is like Corey younger brother so Corey would do anything for Jacob."Okay let's begin" Esme said.

After they were done cooking since I'm being lazy right now

No one POV

Everyone was in the dining room waiting for the food that was prepared. Jacob and the others came out of with the food and put it on the table and Jacob went to check on all of the babies since he was up. They all are sleeping, of course he thought, their babies. Jacob sat down next to Mason and Theo and everyone started eating and started talking about stuff and everything. Even if their not biological siblings and stuff they are still family no matter what.

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