Chapter 25 The cramps

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No one POV

It's been over a month since Paul gave birth to his twins, Ami and Keith. The twins are already 4 month because of them being vampire's. As for Jacob he started to feel pains in his stomach and cramps. He remember what his papa said about him going through the same thing because of his blood type. Jacob thought that his babies has rare blood types because they have been giving him cramps and pains all month."Hey Jake" a voices from behind him said. Jacob turned around and saw Alice and Rose behind him."Oh hi g- aghh" Jacob moaned from the pain."Are you okay Jake" Rose asked."Yeah I th- aghhh" Jacob moaned again. Rose and Alice help Jacob sit down on the couch. As he was sitting down he felt more pains in is stomach."Aghhh" Jacob moaned. Alice went to get Billy and Jed to come check Jacob out."I see" Billy said as he looked at his son."What is it dad" Jacob asked."Your babies seem to have some rare blood types, that's why your hurting so much" Billy said as he laid Jacob down on the couch."You need to rest for the babies, and drink this" Billy said handing Jacob a cup of blood."Um dad whose blood is that" asked Jacob."Your fiance" said Billy. Jacob took the cup and drunk the blood then gave it back to his father. As Billy was leaving to go to the kitchen, he saw Jasper and Edward coming down the steps."What's wrong with Jake" asked Edward."Your babies has rare blood types so they are giving him some pains" Billy explained as Carlisle came downstairs."Hey baby and my sons" said Carlisle."Hey" Billy said as he went upstairs."What's wrong with him" asked Carlisle."He's pregnant" both Jasper and Edward said together. Carlisle dropped the glass cup he had in his hand."He's what now" asked Carlisle.
"He didn't tell you" said Jasper. "No he didn't" Carlisle said." Maybe he was afraid you hate him, Jacob thought the same thing and Billy is his father well uncle father something like that" Edward explained then walked over to his fiance. Carlisle cleaned up the broken cup then he went upstairs to his and Billy room."Billy can I talk to you for a sec." Billy walked over to him and sat down on the bed next to him."What is it" asked Billy."Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant" said Carlisle. Billy froze, he got up and ran to the bathroom and slammed the door."Baby open the door" Carlisle asked."Please baby, I'm not mad okay. Why didn't you tell me." Billy sat down on the bathroom floor by the door and said "I thought you would hate me and leave me" Billy said as tears started pouring down his face. Carlisle could tell he was crying because he's a vampire and vampire's has good hearing."Baby can you come out so we can talk" Carlisle said. Billy opened the bathroom door and stood there."So your not mad" Billy said. Carlisle walk up to his boyfriend and kissed his forehead."Of course not baby wolf, I love you and our baby" Carlisle said picking Billy up and taking him to the bed."Really""Really baby" said Carlisle. They laid down and fell asleep holding each other. Back downstairs with Jasper, Alice, Edward, Rose and Jacob, Jacob is still sleeping but the cramps are getting worse that he's whimpering in his sleep. Edward sat down on the couch and put Jacob head on his head. Jacob stopped whimpering, he felt safe with Edward and so did the babies because they stopped kicking."Omg Edward, the babies stopped kicking and Jacob stopped whimpering the moment you put his head on your lap" Rose explained as she felt Jacob stomach."Maybe they feel safe with you" Jasper said as he sat down on the other couch."Maybe they do" Alice said as she went to the kitchen. Edward eventually fell asleep as well with Jacob head on his lap. Jasper chuckled and girls took pictures of them."Y'all going to die y'all know that right" Jasper said."We know now shut up" the girls said as they took more photos of this cute moment.

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