Chapter 10 Telling Bella

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The Cullen Family was preparing to tell Bella about everything about Edward and Jacob. Bella walked in the house and saw the pack of werewolves there."Why the hell is there werewolves in the damn house" Bella said getting into fighting mode."That's what we wanted to tell you Bella" Esme said as she stands up. Bella looked at them with a confused look on her face."Bella me and Edward are dating, and I'm pregnant with triplets" Jacob said as he touch his flat stomach."We wanted to tell you when the time was right" Jacob said as he looked at disgusting and angry Bella."WHAT THE HELL JACOB, YOU KNEW WE WERE MARRIED AND HAVE A CHILD TOGETHER. HOW COULD YOU YOU DUMBASS SLUT""Yo watch your fucking mouth, the only slut here is you. You been cheating on me since you had Renesmee. And the worse thing about it is that she even found out about it. That's why she is so cold to you" Edward said.  Bella walked up to Edward and Jacob and tried to slap Jacob but Emmett stopped her and threw her out of the house. She left with a angry very angry look on her face. Seth went over to Jacob to see if he's okay and he was. Next thing he knew he was pulled up the stairs by Jasper."What's wrong Jas" Seth said with a confused look on his face."Seth can you um well uh I-I-I-I""Sure I would love to Jasper, I love when your so shy like that""Oh shut the fuck up and cuddle me please you 14 year old wolf""Sure I'll love too" Seth said as he smiled. Seth jumped in the bed and him and Jasper started cuddling each other. Downstairs with Sam, Paul and Emmett, they are just staring at each other. Paul and Sam both imprinted on Emmett but they don't know who he would pick."Omg stop looking like that, I can't chose one of you but I can chose both of you""Wait really" Sam said surprised."Yeah, I love you both to much to just chose one of you, I hope y'all don't mind me picking both of you" Emmett said scratching the back of his neck."No we'll not mad, we both love you too right Paul" Sam said looking at Paul."Yeah we both love you as well" Paul said smiling like a cutie."You know your the bottom right Paul""Yeah I know, why always me😭" Both Sam and Emmett started laughing at their cute boyfriend. Now with Jakeward, they were in their room and Jacob was getting checked again by Carlisle. Carlisle said the babies were growing fast. He didn't tell them the gender yet but he told them their specie and what they are. One was a werewolf and warlock, the warlock part comes from Jacob's mother. One was a vampire and werewolf. And the last one was a Werewolf-Vampire Phoenix hybrid with 20% of Warlock in it, 50% werewolf and 30% of vampire in it. Jacob and Edward were shocked about the last one but was happy to start a family with each other. They have Seth, Renesmee and their beautiful triplets that are coming. And if anyone wants to hurt Jacob they have to go though Edward first and his family after him. If Victoria or Bella dare to hurt his family they are declared dead.

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