Chapter 24 The Explanation

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No one POV

Everyone is gathered in the living room waiting for Jed to explain everything about how Paul is still alive."So are you going to tell us" Sam said."Werewolves has a different way about giving birth, for me when I gave birth to Jacob it only took me up to 8 months. For the last month a felt cramps and kicks that hurt. After I gave birth a fell into a 2 weeks coma because it turned out that Jacob was born with golden blood type. Jacob was born a vampire and his true eyes colors were black in one eye and red and white in the other, his hair color is natural black and white with a strip of red so is Renesmee hair. Seth hair is like Edward but has white in it also. That comes from the warlock side of our family.Somehow when he was born he was able to hide his identity from the world. Now Paul gave birth to two vampire with 0 blood type, he is in a coma for about a week because of the blood type. For Jacob, if his children is born with that same blood type as him or another rare blood type, he would go into a 4 week coma but he would be able to hold his pulse like Paul did. You see, us werewolves has different way of giving birth then vampire's and humans. Now Jacob, Seth and Renesmee, close your eyes then open them again" Jed explained. Seth, Jacob and Renesmee did as told and when they open their eyes, Jacob had his black, red and white eyes again, he also had the hair color too. Seth had one red eye and his hair was half white. As for Renesmee, well she looked like Jacob. So everything he has, she has. As for Edward he was shocked at this."Holy shit" Edward said as he looked at his children and fiance."So Jacob going to go into a 4 week coma after giving birth" Jasper asked."Maybe, if his babies are born with rare blood types he might" Jed explained to Jasper as Jasper nodded his head.

                            Week later

No one POV

Paul finally woke up after his week coma and Carlisle handed him his children. Paul looked at them and smiled, then he looked at Sam and Emmett who is passed out in the chairs by his beds. He chuckled then he looked back his babies."So what are you going to name them" Esme asked as she walked in."I was thinking Ami for the girl and Keith for the boy" Paul said as he looked at his mother in law."Those are beautiful names for beautiful children" Esme said as she smiled. Carlisle took the babies out of Paul arms and put them in their cribs then walked out with Esme. Paul looked at his twins then at his sleeping boyfriends, he chuckled once more then he got up and went to take a shower.
Sorry it's short, I have a very busy schedule this week. But I will make the next chapter longer. Bye now🖐

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