Chapter 22 The Rescue

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No one POV

Bella been abusing Jacob for about 4 months now. She doesn't know that the babies can't die because of Jacob warlock powers. His uncle, Magnus Bane who is Jed older brother, he is a warlock as well. That's where Jacob gets his warlock powers from and the rest from his parents. Jacob is lying on this wooden bed that Bella had in her so call dungeon. Bella comes downstairs to the dungeon and laughs."Oh looks like your still alive and your breathing" she said laughing. Jacob rolled his eyes at her. They used to be best friends, what the fuck happened. How the hell could they go from being best friend to fucking enemies. Just then the door bell rung, Bella shocked Jacob before she went upstairs and went to the door where she saw her daughter, Renesmee."R-Renesmee" Bella stuttered. "Hi Be- I mean mommy" Renesmee corrected herself. Bella dropped the remote to the shock collar on Jacob's neck and hugged Renesmee. Renesmee didn't want to hug back but she had no choice at this moment. Seth came in using Jacob invisibility powers and snuck downstairs to the dungeon where Jacob is."Mama" Seth called out then he heard a groaning sound coming from the side door in the dungeon. Seth went over and froze where he was standing."M-Mama" Seth said again which made Jacob looked up at him. Jacob was all bloody and beaten. Seth opened the door and hugged Jacob tightly. Seth was angry and his eyes turned red."Seth, your eyes" Jacob said. Seth didn't listened and he broke the chains with his angry. Then his eyes turned back to normal."Oh my Seth your Jasper Beta" Jacob said as he looked at Seth who is confused."Just like vampire's can get werewolves pregnant they can also mark a werewolf as theirs, which Jasper did which made you his beta" Jacob explained. Seth helped Jacob up and as he was helping him up they heard screams, the screams sounds like Renesmee. The walked upstairs where they saw Bella beating Renesmee up and Renesmee screaming for her to stop."Let my sister go you bitch" Seth said as he sat Jacob down on the chair and ran over to Bella and Renesmee and punched Bella. Renesmee ran over to Jacob and hugged him "Mama I'm so sorry this happened to you, it's all my fault" Renesmee said crying."Baby it's not your fault sweetheart" Jacob said patting her head." Yes it is it''s.......ALL MY FAULT" Renesmee screamed which made the castle shake. Jacob then realized something, Renesmee is a vampire like Edward. But when Bella had her she was a human. Renesmee wasn't born from Bella, she was born from Jacob but he gave Bella his child and he made him and Edward forget about it. Renesmee a Hybrid, vampire and warlock."Sweetheart, look at me" Jacob said. Renesmee looked at him with tears in her eyes."Guess what, your not Bella daughter. Your mines and  Edward, I just gave you to Bella because Edward didn't want a child at the time so I made me and him forget that we had a child together. Bella and Edward child died" Jacob explained to Renesmee, Seth and Bella. Bella couldn't believe this. Renesmee is not her child and she never was. Seth punched Bella one more time then he grabbed Renesmee and Jacob and ran as fast as he could. Bella tried to run after them but they were far gone. When they got back Edward was the first to give Jacob a big hug."I missed you so much" Edward said."Papa, I'm not Bella daughter. I'm yours and mama daughter, biological" Renesmee said as The Cullen Family looked at her then Jacob. Jacob explained everything to them and Edward started to remember everything but he also remembered something too."Dad can you give Seth and Renesmee a DNA test for me" Edward asked as his father agreed. After the DNA test Carlisle was shocked at the results."Seth your their child as well and your a Tribrib, which is Werewolf-Vampire and Warlock all together. Renesmee your a Vampire and Warlock Hybrid" Carlisle explained to them. Renesmee and Seth was shocked and so was everyone else in the house, we'll everyone except Taichi and Tiffany."Give us our 100 dollars now" Both of them said to Emmett and Sam."Y'all bet on us" Seth said to his two siblings."Yup" they said together. Everyone laughed at these two taking Emmett and Sam money. Carlisle stitched Jacob up and his parents(Yes Billy is still named as his papa just a second one) gave him a big hug not wanting to let go of their son. Later that night Edward helped Jacob in bed and sat him up."Ed, you okay" Jacob said looking at his fiancé."I can't believe they are our biological children, yeah they looked like us a lot but I still couldn't believe it" Edward said sitting in the bed."I know but it's true" Jacob said remembering when Edward would cheat on him with Bella."Little wolf look at me, I apologize for everything I did to you back in the past" Edward said."It's okay Ed" Jacob said as his heart started to ache."No it's not okay Jake, I can hear and see your thoughts baby. I'm sorry I used you as a toy, I love you baby" Edward said as he felt tears falling down his face. Jacob smiled and wiped  his tears away and kissed his forehead."I know you love me baby, I know you do so stop bringing up the past okay" Jacob said. Edward smiled and nodded his head then they fell asleep in each other's embrace.
Well wasn't that a plot twist ah
Ah don't y'all love plot twist.
Well bye now

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