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Years later

It has been 5 years since everything has happened. The family is still living together, they just got a bigger house. Paul kids are 13, Billy daughter is 13 as well and the Triplets are 12. And we all know Edward is a pervert right. I think you know where I'm going with this. Jacob ended up having about six more kids with Edward. Now he's on his seven child yet. Corey and Mason ended having a child as well. They adopted a little boy name Jason, Jason is 4 year old. Theo and Liam ended up adopting as well. They adopted a son as well, his name is Leon and he is 2 years old. Rosalie ended finding her soulmate after all. Her soulmate is Leah from Jacob pack. Leah imprinted on Rosalie after Jacob fourth child was born. Esme ended up dating Bella father Charlie."Mama" a little boy called. Jacob walked in and smiled."Yes Samuel" Jacob said."I'm scared, monster" Samuel said. Jacob smiled and picked Samuel up and took him to his and Edward's room."I guess we're having company huh" Edward said as he looked up from his book."Yes" Jacob said as he sat down on the bed with Samuel."Sorry" Samuel said. Edward looked at him confused and raised his eyebrows."Sorry, sorry for what Sam" Edward said. Samuel is 3 years old and he thinks Edward doesn't love him when he disturb him and Jacob alone time."I'm sorry for disturbing y'all alone time" Samuel said as he tried to get out of Jacob grip."Sam you don't disturb us, don't ever think you do okay" Edward said as he took Samuel from Jacob."Okay, goodnight" Samuel said as he yawned and started closing his eyes."Goodnight baby/Sam" they said together.

Jacob POV

I woke up to a crying coming from the other side of the room. Looked over and saw that Blossom was up. I got up and picked her up and rocked her. Eventually she fell back to sleep. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw it was 8 so I decided to take a shower. After 20 minutes in the shower, I came out and got dressed then I went downstairs where I saw Taichi bullying Emmett as all ways. Taichi is now 8, Tiffany is 7, Renesmee is 10 and Seth is 15. Seth age takes about 2 years before he turns another age. I see Esme in kitchen with Billy/Papa, their cooking breakfast and it smells delicious. I see Sam and Corey training outside as Mason try to kill Ethan and Isaac for getting on his got damn nerves."Okay I'm sorry, don't kill me" I heard Isaac from outside. I went out there and saw Mason about to kill Isaac with a hammer. I chuckled and took the hammer from him."What did y'all do this time" I asked."Well we asked Mason how Corey proposed to him so we can do it to Scott" Ethan explained."Just ask Edward" I said as I looked at them "Okay Edward tell him we meed him" Isaac said as he and Ethanwent to Corey. I laughed then I went back inside.

Jasper POV

I was sitting on the couch watching Taichi bully Emmett when I saw Jacob walked in the house."Hey Jake" I said as I saw Taichi taking Emmett money."Hey Jas, Taichi give Uncle Emmett back his money" Jacob said as he sat down next to me."No he didn't buy me my chocolate I ask for" Taichi said as he took the rest of the money. Me and Jacob laughed then we started talking. Just then we saw Emily and Leah come in with Alice and Rosalie. Emily is Alice soulmate. At first Emily didn't like that Jacob and the rest of the pack was friends with us but she learned to accept us."Hi Jake and Jasper" Alice said as she took off her shoes."Hey" I said. Yeah it was still weird seeing her with Emily but I have Seth and that's all I need."Hey Jake where's Edward" Alice asked."Upstairs in the room with Blossom" Jacob said as he stood up."Okay tell him Sam need him" Alice said as she went to the kitchen. Jacob nodded and went upstairs to his and Edward's room.

Edward POV

I was feeding Blossom went I saw my husband walk in the room."Hey" I said as I looked at him."Hey, you can give her to me. Sam wants you" Jacob said as he bented down and gently took Blossom into his arms. I got up and put a shirt on then I kissed Jacob forehead, his stomach, Blossom forehead and Samuel forehead. I slowly closed the door behind me and I went downstairs to where I saw Jasper and Seth talking."Hi dad" Seth said as he looked at me."Good Morning Seth and Jasper" I said as I went outside where I saw Sam at."What is it Sam" I said as I walked towards him, Jared and Quil."We need you to tell that you got one more time to get our brother pregnant and your going to regret it" Sam said with a devil smile."Okay okay okay, I'll stop just don't kill me a second time kay" I said as I throw my hands up in defense."Good bye now" Jared said as him and Sam walked off to the woods."Don't worry about them, they just overprotective of Jacob that's all" Quil said as he looked at me."I see that now" I said as I started walking back into the house. Life was good. I couldn't ask for a better one. I have my family, I have the pack, I have my children, I have Billy and Jacob other parents, I have my friends who became my family real quick and most importantly I have Jacob. And they all I need in my life. Their my family, not biological family by blood but their my family.

                             The End

Well that's it, that's the end everyone. I might make a Sequel, it depends on how my schedule is since school started and all. But I think I might make a Sequel for this story. It might be like 4 or 5 chapters though. But anyway I hope y'all enjoy this book because I know I did. Bye friends🖐

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