Chapter 5 Telling Billy

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Jacob just woke up with Seth next to him snoring like a innocent kid. Jacob got up slowly trying to not wake up Seth up. Jacob went to the bathroom and did his normal cuts on his arm like he do ever day. After he was done he took a shower and went looking for Paul and Sam. He found them training like always, he went over to them and asked them a question."Should I tell my father about my imprint" Jacob said."If you want Edward to die" Paul said laughing.
"W-What" Jacob stuttered looking scared for Edward's life."Shut the fuck up Paul, your scaring him" Sam said as he slapped the back of Paul head. Paul looked up at Jacob and saw that he was about to cry."Wait no don't cry Jacob, I was only kidding" Paul said as he went over to Jacob to stop him from crying."What I mean is that you should tell him went your ready.""Yeah don't have Edward tell you what to do if he told you to" Sam said as the overprotective brother/friend he is.
"Okay, thanks guys" Jacob said as he smiled wiping his tears away and walking off towards the house where his dad is at. "Nice save you dumbass" Sam said looking at Paul. "I keep forgetting that he's sensitive.""Yeah very sensitive you idiot" Sam said as he rolled his eyes.

Jacob POV
I went towards my house into the living room where my dad was. I very nervous about this, what if he hates me like my sisters do. What if he doesn't accept me for being gay and dating a vampire.


Billy:"Oh hello son, how are you doing today" Billy said with a smile.

Jacob:"Good day, I just wanted to tell you something important" Jacob said nervously.

Billy:"What is it son"

Come on Jacob you got thus

Jacob:"Well um I imprinted on someone"

Billy:"That's good, who was it"

Jacob:"E-Edward C-C-Cullen" Jacob stuttered.

Billy:"How nice" Billy said with a smile.

Jacob:"Wait your not mad that I imprinted on a vampire"

Billy:"Not really, I did the same thing when I was your age. Just I imprinted on his dad in high school"

Jacob:"WAIT WHAT" Jacob said shocked.

Billy:"Yeah we started dating then a month later he cheated with my ex-best friend Esme, Edward's mom" Billy said trying not to shed tears

I'm shocked, like shocked. My dad dated Edward's dad, then his dad cheats on my dad. I'm both angry and shocked at the same time

Jacob:"It's okay dad, you find someone different who's going love you for you"

Billy:"Thank you son, I'm happy your my son" Billy said smiling.

Jacob:"Me too dad, me too"

Later that day Jacob went to the lake where he was told to meet Edward at. He was going to tell Edward that he told his dad and he accepts him. Also that their parents dated."Hey little wolf" Edward said standing in front of Jacob.
"Hey, did you know our dads use to date in high school and your dad cheated on my dad with your mom" Jacob said.
"Wait what, no I did not.""Oh well they did" Jacob said looking into Edward's eyes. Edward kissed Jacob forehead and Jacob rested his head in Edward chest. They stayed like that into it was time for Edward to leave. When he got home he saw his dad on the couch.

Edward:"Did you use to date Billy Black dad"

Carlisle:"Who told you that"

Edward:"Billy told Jacob when he told Billy about imprinting me"

Carlisle:"Yes I did, Billy was a lot like Jacob. Sensitive, very sensitive, I love him for that. My parents though they didn't like that I was dating a werewolf at the time. So they told me to cheat on him with your mother. I didn't want to but I was forced, when he caught he started crying and yelling at me. I tried telling him the truth but......he didn't listen and broke up with me and stopped being friends with Esme. That was the worse thing that happened in my life, and I dearly regret it for life" Carlisle said starting to shed tears.


Carlisle:"I have to go Edward, see you later" Carlisle said as he left the living room.

Edward left the house to go look for Jacob and tell him everything. After he told Jacob, Jacob told his father and Edward and Jacob planned at make up plan at the river. Both of their dads arrived and looked at each other. Until Carlisle spoke.

Carlisle:"I'm sorry Billy, you didn't deserve that"

Billy:"So everything Edward and Jacob said was true"

Carlisle:"Yes everything, I still regret cheating on you. I love you goddammit, I don't care if I have a family, they just going to have to understand."

Billy and Carlisle locked eyes for a long time until Billy realized he imprinted Carlisle again. He said sorry but Carlisle didn't mind, not one bit.

A/N Billy is not in a wheelchair in this story. I decided to not put him in a wheelchair in this story. Anyways back to the story.

Carlisle kissed Billy and Billy didn't hesitate to kiss back. While they were kissing Edward and Jacob looked happy that their fathers are happy. Edward was happy that he has Jacob by his side. Along side with Seth and Renesmee, Edward knows that Seth is like a son to Jacob so he doesn't mind Seth being with Jacob at all. Carlisle and Edward went back home and filled their family in. Esme was happy that Carlisle was finally happy. She can't wait to find her mate, and she doesn't mind waiting for that time to come. His kids were happy as well. Emmett just threatened both his brother and his father if they hurt either Billy or Jacob they have to go through him and Jasper first. They laughed at how they are already overprotective with them. Now next thing next is to tell Bella.

A/N Wow 1,039 words, my fingers hurt like hell right now. That's all bye🖐

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