Karma : Chapter 5 : Please no..

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No school today. That was offically embarassing what happened. He'll get suspended yeah, but he'll come back.. I have bruises on my legs, arms were bleeding, and I'm really tired. I might not be in school on Friday, because of what happened. But I remember something, I didn't mean to punch him, it just happened. Also, when they beat me up, I didn't feel much pain! It's rather odd.. At least I get to miss P.E today! I hear my mum come up the stairs, and I see the door-knob turn and see my mum carrying some food.

'Aww thanks mum!' I said joyfully

'It's okay! I'm going to go out shopping now, but call me if you need any help and I'll be back as soon as possible, I know you feel scared about going to school now, but he's suspended for 5 weeks, and when he's back, we'll deal with him!'

I smile with relief and say 'Yeah, he's got problems or something. I'll see you later than! Bye!' I keep a smile as my mum walks out the room as does she.

I'm going to go have a rest now, I keep the covers off me as it's quite warm, I shut my eyes, and think. And then, I fall asleep.

'So, how did it go?' I hear a voice as I'm dreaming, but I don't wake up, it must be a dream

I somehow reply : 'How did what go?' I said in a confusingly manner.

'Brad..' the voice says

'Uhmm well I'm really hurt..'

'Hm okay, well I'll talk to you later, you'll wake up in 5 4 3 2...'

'WAIT! Who are you!'


I wake up. F******* hell, that was such a weird dream, I felt like I were talking to the 'voice'. He'll "talk to me later", hm, I wonder when that is. I might as well do some revision for Maths. I go reach my school bag by the door and I open it, I look for my Maths book and I find it. I don't even know why I'm revising, guess I'm bored. I check my phone to see if anybody has texted me, and I see a text from 'Unknown' ... I read the text and it say:

'So, how did it go?'

I somehow reply : 'How did what go?'


'Uhmm well I'm really hurt..'

'Hm okay, well I'll talk to you later, you'll wake up in 5 4 3 2...'

'WAIT! Who are you!'


I remember these words from the dream! I wonder..  is someone stalking me? Hope not.. I ignore the text and start revising.

I hear the doorbell ring as I hear knocking on the front door. I hear people talking

'Hello this is the Ambulance services, please open the door' as I hear the voices say.

I go downstairs to open the door, and hope for the best...

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