(5)Yellows Parents-

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(I am sorry that this one is all over the place.)

At the command tower, the Rangers and Doctor K are entertaining a group of little kids on a field trip. Doctor K is finishing up explaining how they power up the Ranger bio hardware without an external energy source by filling an entire whiteboard with an equation. Silence. Col. Truman thanks Doctor K and decides to open it up for a Q&A with the Rangers.

"Ranger Black, you're my favorite Power Ranger. Your toughness and spirit is an inspiration to all of Corinth city. Do you have any advice for all the kids out who look up to you?"

Dillon goes up to the mic and simply answers "No."

"Ranger Blue, how come you talk pretty? And everybody else doesn't?"

Flynn answers, "Well, little lass, it's because I'm Scottish. And everyone else isn't."

"Would you please tell me, where do you get your spandex?"

Hitting a nerve with Doctor K..."THAT IS NOT SPANDEX! The material is a self-assembling nano-" Summer and Dillon stop her before she gets really fired up.

"Red, you're the leader of the Power Rangers. Is that the reason why your hair is the coolest?"

With a little smirk, Scott answers, "That would be one of the reasons, yeah."

"Ranger Yellow, as the sole female representative of the Power Rangers, I have a question for you. Which one of the guys looks the cutest in the spand..."

Doctor K is about to charge... "I mean, in the tights."

Ziggy steps in,"Actually, I can answer that question. I think it comes down to the angle that you..."

He's interrupted by Flynn and Scott before he goes on to make some innuendo that would merit a "TV-14 D" rating for the show.

"Ranger Yellow, will you marry me?" "I like a man with taste, the answer is yes." Everyone applauds, but Doctor K is flabbergasted. "I don't understand the relevance of the question. It makes the endless queries into Ranger Red's hair seem pertinent and insightful by comparison." "I'm sorry, it's just that Ranger Yellow seems so nice. Have you always been this nice Miss Yellow?"

Doctor K reports a shield breach and the Rangers run off leaving Summer in her thoughts. She catches up. With Col. Truman's troops being no match for the new attack bot, the Rangers come in and do their job. We try to take it out, but Venjix lets it grow prompting the zords. As the Rangers fight on, Doctor K and the kids back at the command tower watch. She assures them, the Rangers got everything under control. Pretty soon, Summer declares "threat is neutralized" and the kids applaud.

Back at the garage, they are greeted by a man and a woman who mistake them for "the help" and "servants' ' of their daughter and the Power Rangers. Martin asks them to polish the cue stick for his next shot at the pool, but Dillon snaps it in two. Clara was not happy with the way the dust everywhere. She wanted to know why they haven't done better keeping the place clean for their daughter and the Power Rangers. Flynn told them they are the Power Rangers. Mr. & Mrs. Landsdown were surprised - they didn't expect the Power Rangers to be so 'middle class'. Ziggy recognizes them as Martin and Clara Lansdowne billionaires. Scott didn't care who they were and he and Dillon began escorting them out of the garage until Summer arrived on her bike and I arrived with my moped and took our helmet off.

Then this man and woman told Summer to tell her "servants'' to unhand them, Scott asks "Do you know these fools?"

The woman replies, "Of course she knows us, she's our daughter."

When I look at Summer she asks what they're doing there and they say they are there for her, their "little girl," just like they've always been.

I go infront of Summer and say. "Your little girl isn't little anymore don't you think."

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