(14)End Game-

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A circle is formed with Flynn, Scott, Ziggy, Gem, Gemma, Summer, Dillon, and Tenaya 7. Tenaya says. " I want to help. Help destroy Venjix."

Flynn looked at us. "You're saying...you want to join us?"

I hold Tenaya's hand and say. "She hasn't killed me yet so I trust her."

Ziggy says. "Is it just me or does anyone else think this is nuts? I mean the Queen of Mean here wanted to pulverize us this morning and now?"

They had their doubts as to whether they can trust Tenaya 7. Dr. K walks up and tells them whether they can trust Tenaya 7 is a moot point. Hyper Bot has learned the city's signals and readings and can destroy any area of the bio dome. There is nothing they can do to stop it. Tenaya 7 offers to get the codes of Hyper Bot.

Dr. K feels that they stand a better chance if they have the codes. Tenaya 7 says she will need help, which Dillon and I are ready to do. Dillon hands his morpher over to Ziggy, while I give mine to summer as Venjix will be able to detect it. Ziggy, Gem, Gemma, Dr. K, Summer, Flynn, and Scott watch as Dillon and Tenaya 7 head out.

We are out in the waste land, close to Venjix's palace. A couple of Grinders drive past, and Tenaya 7 and Dillon stay hidden. When the Grinders pass, Tenaya 7 tells Dillon they have time before the next patrol comes around. Before they take off, Dillon asks Tenaya 7 if she saw their names on the information she had pulled up.

Tenaya 7 tells him no and then she begins to run. Dillon follows her. They make it inside the palace and begin walking down the hall. The hall brings back memories for Dillon. Dillon remembers how he had tried to escape with his sister, and how she had been recaptured. Tenaya 7 has walked ahead and when Dillon returns to the present, Tenaya 7 is nowhere in sight.

Dillon takes a peek around the corridor, but still no sign of Tenaya 7. Dillon is suddenly grabbed from behind. Inside Venjix's chamber, Venjix makes the decision to promote Kilobyte. General Crunch protests, as he has seniority.

Venjix stays firm on his decision. Tenaya 7 walks in and tells Venjix if he wants results, then she should be his highest ranking general. The Grinders have Dillon in the doorway. Dillon yells at Tenaya 7 and she grins. The Grinders walk away with Dillon. Tenaya 7 vows she will bring the rest of the Rangers as well. Venjix is very pleased.

General Shifter tells Hyper Bot that first he is to destroy the Rangers. Venjix will be destroyed next.

Kilobyte leads the Grinders, who have Dillon to his cell. Dillon struggles to free himself, but is unable to. The Grinders toss Dillon into his cell, and the doors shut behind him. Kilobyte finds it odd that a Ranger would not have his morpher.

Hyper Bot, giant size, enters Corinth and begins its attack. Citizens take off running in fear.

The alarm has gone off and Flynn, Scott, Ziggy, Gem, Gemma, and Summer race into the Ranger room. Dr. K is already at the computer and informs her team that the giant size Hyper Bot is back. They need to go into battle, even though Dillon has not returned.

Scott tells them he is going in with the PaleoMax Megazord, if he can keep control, send in the Mach Megazord, and then the ValveMax Megazord. Red Ranger heads out in his Paleozord and quickly forms into the PaleoMax Megazord. Red Ranger battles Hyper Bot and it is difficult.

Inside Venjix's palace, Tenaya 7 walks down a corridor, to where the main consol is.

A couple of Grinders are there and Tenaya 7 points out that Venjix has put her in charge and dismisses them. The Grinders leave. Tenaya 7 walks up to the console, and begins working quickly, downloading the information. Tenaya 7 gets the information on Hyper Bot, when Kilobyte walks up. Kilobyte is suspicious that Black Ranger approached Venjix's palace, without a morpher.

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