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When I woke up it was like I knew Venjix had made a new plan. I go down to the lab and see Dr. K scolds the heck out of Flynn. She says they can't make a Megazord for now. While Gemma keeps writing in her diary.

I then started to walk around the city then General Shifter's Hammer Bot attacks, as I run to it I start to fight it till the rest of the Rangers show up.

After a while Dillon fights it and goes down. I run to him to help him up.The Zord came towards Gold, and I run in front of him and get shot away.I Get up and see Tenaya and I smiled at her.

The other rangers defeat the Hammer Bot so I just do a tornado kick her and see her getup and Tenaya picks Flynn up. Gem gives a whack to the Zord in the center and the wheel miniatures. I pick up Flynn and puts him in the passenger seat and Gemma went in the back and I drove them to the lab so Flynn can be taken care of.After a while he was fine then he went in the garage.

Flynn gets oil on his face when Dillon starts his jeep. Ziggy wants to teach Dr. K how to make breakfast, but she is not a great pupil. She asks where he learned how to cook and he says prison. She runs away. Gemma beats Scott and Gem during their return from a jog, with both men wondering if she took a shortcut.The Rangers arrive and fight the Grinders. The Rangers split and the five go after Chemical Bot.

Tenaya took on the twins. Then I ran and kicked her face.But when my back was turned she plugged something in my neck which was like a switch.

I turned to her.

"Destroy the gold and silver ranger."

I turn to look at the rangers as my eyes flash red. I was starting to fight the twins not hearing the other rangers till the yellow ranger held me down.But Flynn then grabbed my face and yelled my name. I was not moving then kicked him and Summer till Dillion grabbed me face after a little of looking at him Tenaya kicked Summer to the ground making me be able to slap Dillion.I walk to Teynaya.

As we was walking out of the dome the vires slowly slow down.To the point when I heard the other rangers call my name to snap me out.

When I turn to see them running I look over to Teynaya and back away from her.

"Teynaya what did you do."

She looked at me and mumbled "crap".

Tenaya 7 and Emani give a demonstration of battling each other. Once done, Emani and Dilion leave with their arms around each other.

Meanwhile Gem and Gemma talk about how much they love explosions and warn that they are really hot. Gem and Gemma explain how the stunts and the explosions are very carefully explained prior to any scene.Gemma suggests they put Ziggy in the scene, which Ziggy declines. The explosions go off and Gem and Gemma perform the scene perfectly and enjoyably.

We were watching as the alarms go off in the garage and the team gathers together to morph. Everyone is morphing, except Ziggy. The team gives Ziggy a hard timeas I am sitting therewatching until he reminds them they have all made mistakes.

Ziggy says it's confidential, but Dr. K plans on making him Ranger Series Red. Scott walks up and says he should not to worry, that he is not going anywhere. But Ziggy is and Scott drags him off.

The next day Dillon comes into my and says we got to go somewhere. The team heads out. We race towards the area, and soon locate a hole in the ground. There is an attack bot digging his way through to the dumping area.

Then we enter and find the attack bot and battle the attack bot. During the battle, some of the ground above falls down, and it reveals a machine. Then the attack bot giant size. The Rangers leap out of the ground and the Megazord is formed. The Rangers continue the battle with the attack bot. Suddenly a locomotive comes out of the ground as well and it is soon revealed that the locomotive is a zord.

The zord is out of control and knocks out the attack bot. The zord then takes off. When we won I was running aomewhere to look around.

Then I see a vision of Tenaya 7 walking up to Gentrel Shifter and warns him that he better watch his back. General Shifter walks away. Tenaya 7 glares at him as she watches him leave.

It stops so I so I start to run and walk into Summer, Dillon, Flynn, Scott, Gem, and Gemma heading over to the Ranger room. I go and see Ziggy taps Dr. K's back and she turns around. Ziggy wanted to make sure Dr. K was real.

Dr. K glances over his shoulder and Ziggy turns around to find another Dr. K that booed at him. Ziggy jumps and Dr. K grins.I walk away to get out of the room.

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