(6)Zord & Vires

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Dr. K presents the Rangers with a chance to ask any questions regarding the Ranger Bio Series suits, vehicles, and hardware. The Rangers are hesitant at first, but quickly all of them except Dillon and I raise their hands.

Scott is up first and asks about the strange EYES on the front of the zords.

Dr. K says they are "optical field scanning sensors" for their cockpits' ATD display.

Scott says they still look like eyes, "big googly anime eyes" Ziggy adds.

Next was Ziggy. He asks about the huge explosions when he morphs. Dr. K says they are residual energy runoffs necessary for when they morph.Finally, Flynn's turn.

He asks if it is necessary for them to scream out "RPM Get in Gear" at the top of their lungs. The vocal call out is a vocal recognition safety and security measure, Dr. K says. He suggests something like "Ranger Justice Unleashed." She responds by saying "justice" is only an abstract ideological concept. They deal with tangible realities, not justice. If he wants justice, he should read a comic book.z

There's a shield breach and the Rangers head out.We morph, but the attack bot grows and begins attacking the rest of the city.

Tenaya runs down the Ranger color stereotypes. "Red is the perfect one, Black is the brooding bad boy, Green's the clown, and Yellow is... the girl. Purple is the tuff but nice girly, boy one."

She then asks Flynn. "And what are you supposed to be?"

He replies "I'M SCOTTISH!"

I pat Flynn on the back then says. "How about you shut up. Come half bread just fight me already leave them out of this."

Tenaya yells. "Never call me that."

She runs to me and I do the same and we fight as the others fight her 'army'.

After a while Tenaya stops and runs away and then comes out of nowhere and zapps my arm.I fall to the ground and look at her and she has zapps running down her arms.

She walks to me. "Look, it worked. Your connection to me is permanent. As long as the Virus is in you, you can be controlled like that."

When she snapped I got up and punched in the face.

"Oh look the human bleeds."

I start to laugh as she gets angry for calling humans.

Scott and Summer are fighting the grinders while Dillon and Ziggy are trying to stop the attack bot. Flynn morphs as Tenaya is about to blast me and blast her blaster.She retreated and Flynn carried me and we went to the garage and went to my bed and when I fell asleep I guess the virus was speeding up.

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