(16)Danger and destiny 2

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The 7 face hybrids in the city video, they move off and see Venjix on big screens in the air.

"I hope you know no one can save you and soon neither will the power ranger, none of you are safe."

Ziggy is scared for Dr. K and runs off. A monster corners them off. I felt the pain again and I ran off to help find Dr.K. When I arrived the pain was happening more then I saw Tenaya and Grinders come in and grab Dr. K. And take her and Ziggy got. I limp holding onto the walls seeing Venjix sucks in all the biofield info from Dr. K's computers.

Venjix was about to destroy the lab but he saw me. " Oh E-28. Nice to see you again. Bow."

I fall to my knees and grab my head screaming then get on one knee and bow as my eyes turn red. "I am back Lord Venjix."

Venjix just puts his hand on my cheek then destroys the lab. I stand up as his hand is still on my cheek.

Dillon comes in struggling and screams. "Don't touch her."

" E-28 tell him who you are and who trained you."

"I am Emani Generation 10 attack and spy bot. And my trainer was subject D-44 , the hybrid."

Dillon looked at me and said, "Sorry"

"Welcome back E-28 and seen you soon D-44"

Dillon faints, as Venjix leaves I stop and turn to see Dillon inject the virus into himself, destroying the virus hold. I just heard my head tell me to follow Venjix so I ran to Venjix. The Whale Zord unfreezes the other two Megazords. They then destroy the Attack Bot. Red jumps out and faces Venjix and battles it out. Venjix asks for him to do it harder, saying he amuses him.

Then Venjix yells. "You're so amusing but you are too weak.And I have a special weapon."

Summer just yells. "We are stronger together here, nothing will stop us. The Purple and Black rangers get your butts here."

Venjix laughs and says. "We will see about that. E-28 COME OUT"

All of their faces were so confused till they saw me go to Venjix and they looked terrified. "Yes Master Venjix."

I looked at the ranger and Summer looked like she was going to cry.

Scott says. "You can't keep her Venjix."

"Emani 10 he isn't allowed to talk to me like that. Destroy them while I do my work."

I look at Venjix then at Scott, Flynn, and Summer as my eyes flash red. As I rise my arm and a blaster appear then I blast at Scott.

Venjix says. " I can access their biofield, my plans to delete the PaleoMax."

Then 3 zords disappear. As I keep them away from Venjix.The Rangers gasp. Scott de-morphs. The twins say they know what to do. Mach gets in the way of High Octane being deleted, the Mach Megazord splits up and is deleted.

Silver and Gold fall down. Venjix says he needs more energy. Kilobyte watches from the tower that the twins are being deleted. The twins de-morph and they start glowing as Scott watches. Flynn and Summer run to the twins as they disappear. The twins dispense their last words and disappear.

Summer cries into Flynn's arms as a tear falls from face. I could see Flynn watching. I then see that Venjix is safe so I ran to find Temaya. Dillon arrives and fights Kilobyte. Ziggy, K, and Tenaya watch. They spot the antidote on the floor. Ziggy says he has a plan. Tenaya grabs Dillon's weapon, using him as a shield.

I walk up to Tenaya and kick Dillon. "Tenaya 15. I have bad news: they are trying to stop the virus."

Dillon then holds Tenaya now then a gun thing. "Emani I hope I can get to you with this."

Dillon injects Tenaya. I felt a burning pain but when I looked up and pointed my weapon at Dillion I was going to blast him.But something stopped me. "Di-Dill-Dillon?"

"HAHA Yes it is me."

I smile then Kilobyte blasts at Dillon, Dillon makes the shield. He falls, Tenaya struggles on the floor.I try to run to Dillon but my body starts to freeze and is in pain. The Ranger trio destroy Kilobyte with their bazooka. Summer goes to the injured Dillon. Tenaya reverts to 'normal.' The next thing I remember is being in the base.

The ranger was saying how there are only 4 Rangers now with Dillon in a coma and Emani controlled by the vires. K says when they morph, he can delete them. Flynn says they can use a magnetic field, K says they need a bigger one to do so. K says Venjix is a virus, the best way to deal with a virus with another virus. When Scott turned I ran.

Till I arrived back at Venjix went on my knees and bowed and said. "D-44 is unconscious and they have no idea when he will wake up. But they were talking about the tower then I almost got caught so I had to leave."

I get up and then Venjix tells me to make sure everything is going well in the tower. I teleport to the tower and see Tenaya 15 and her eyes are red.

I walk in clapping. "Well, well, Well. So you are now a traitor huh."

Tenaya looks at me. "Look everything will be ok just listen."

"Don't worry I won't hurt you; I have rules I cannot hurt you."

Tenaya smiled.

And I say. "But I can take you in."

I grabbed her but she just said,"I am sorry for this."

I grabbed her then she shot me with some green stuff.The pain was so unbearable I passed out. Saying "Thank you Tenaya."

I wake up to Tenaya holding me as the tower falls, Dillon grabs Tenaya and I and takes out the parachute.


I was waiting to say bye to everyone when Flynn said. "My dad and I are building new computer systems for the city."

Gem and Gemma will also be in the eagle squad with Schott. K wants our morphers after everyone but me puts them down. I did it to take out my earpiece. Ziggy says that he and K are starting a school for kids.

She calls him Ziggy, because he is not a series operator anymore. Summer says there is a world waiting to be rebuilt. I told them I am making a life outside the dome to be close to Dillon and Teyana Scott tells Dillon he better not be getting a call to go save his butt. Ziggy and Dillon share a hug. Dillon, Summer and Tenaya leave.

Ziggy puts his arm around K's shoulder, and she smiles. I just started to walk around and then got on my moped and just drove on and on till I saw flowers and so that was it.

I was going to make a house far from everyone but not too far from my hybrid family.
That is the ending
I hope you liked it this is last chapter
This have been in my drafted for a year or 2 so I hope you enjoy

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