Ch. 9 - Riffs in the band

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Ashley’s POV

No more nightmares…

She had beaten them.

I had never been so proud of my baby girl.

‘What’s with the big grin Ash?’ I gave a small start as Andy spoke right by my ear; I hadn’t realised he was there.

‘Look.’ I showed him the phone, and his smile grew.

‘No more nightmares.’ He said. ‘Good on her.’


‘Will you two shut up!’ I yelled.

We hadn’t been on the bus for more than an hour before Kieran and Blade started to argue.

They both looked at me.

‘Well, if someone on this bus would stop being so irresponsible…’ said Kieran, putting emphasis on that word.

‘Oh for god’s sake Kieran! Stop mollycoddling her! She’s not a little kid.’ Exclaimed Blade.

‘I promised Ashley that I would look after her! And I intend to keep that promise!’ Kieran shouted.

Then, I twigged. They were arguing over me.

‘Who started her smoking, eh?’ Kieran exploded. ‘What next Blade? Are you going to get her drinking? On drugs? What else?’

‘Of course not you absolute idiot!’ I entered the argument this time. ‘He didn’t get me started, I chose to! I’m nearly 16 Kieran! Not, nearly 6, 16.

Kieran strode over and grabbed me by the shoulders. ‘You may be nearly 16 SJ, but that doesn’t make you all grown up…’

‘No! All the abuse does! Spending my childhood looking after my baby sister does! I never had a childhood Kieran, I grew up when I was 5, and did it pretty damn quickly because I had no choice!’ I shouted. ‘I spent my childhood looking after my sister! That what makes me all grown up okay?! So don’t try and pull that one on me!’

With that, I stormed off to the bunk area, climbed onto mine and sat, curled up, tears wanting to spill.*

I wiped them away, when I spotted something by Blade’s bunk.

It was the razor blade he used to cut his hair. I got off my bunk and went over, sitting on his and twirling it between my fingers.

No… I couldn’t. I hadn’t done since that day I had nearly died… after CC had nearly…

I placed the blade down, and walked out the area, tears in my eyes.


I ignored Kieran, and marched out the door and over to the BOTDF bus. I opened the door, and looked up to see Jayy standing up.

‘Sarah-Jane? Baby what’s up?’ He quickly picked up something was wrong.

‘Nothing Jayy, I just need to talk to you… or someone….’

About ten minutes later, I was crying into Jayy’s shirt. He had me in the crook of his crossed legs, where he was sitting on the sofa, and was hugging me, gently smoothing my hair down.

‘Alright, alright sweetie, keep going, let it all out.’ He murmured.

‘He’s treating me like I’m a little kid Jayy. And I’m not, I’m almost 16! I don’t mind it, but I hate the fact he’s being too overprotective.’

‘Okay, shh, shh, go on hun, you have a good wail. I’m here.’

Soon, I had calmed down, and was just sniffling, hiccupping slightly.

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