Ch. 8 - Standing up to what we fear

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When I awoke the next morning, I gave a moan before rolling over, and unfortunately, out the bunk, landing on the floor.

‘Mother fucker.’ I grumbled, standing up and making my way to the kitchen area.

Reaching it, I filled the kettle up for the guy’s coffee, and started fumbling round for the cereal and the bowls. Locating them, I made my breakfast before sitting on the counter top, eating. I was gently reminded of my very first tour, with Ashley and the guys, and sitting on Andy’s lap as he sat on the counter, his arms clasped round me as I ate my pancakes made by CC, before later being used a table for the singer. I gave a soft smile, thinking of those happy times, before my life went all cuckoo and crazy. I missed them.

The kettle gave a click, signalling it was ready and jogging me back into reality. I shook my head, and washed my bowl up as someone ambled into the room.

‘Coffee?’ asked the hopeful sounding voice of Blade.

‘Kettle’s just boiled.’ I replied.

‘Cheers Skittles. Hey, how come you’re up so early? Usually Kieran doesn’t let you go until he’s awake and I know he’s still asleep. How did you escape?’

‘Well, I slept in my own bunk last night because I didn’t have a nightmare -…’

I stopped my sentence, the full reality hitting me.

I didn’t have a nightmare.


I turned to face the shirtless boy, who stood there in a pair of baggy blue jeans, a smile on my face.

‘I didn’t have a nightmare.’ I whispered.

Blade blinked, and a smile adorned his face. ‘Really? Not even a small one?’

I shook my head. He bounded over and hugged me. ‘That’s fantastic!’

I wrapped my arms round his neck, feeling more awake and alive than I had done since the coma as he spun round, me laughing.

‘What the actual fuck?’ A very sleepy Alex came in, staring, amused and surprised at the scene.

‘Skittles made the night without having a nightmare!’ exclaimed Blade.

As the rest of the band woke up and found out, my phone went off in my back pocket.

‘Are we up yet or do I have to ring you to pull you out of bed?? – Dad’

‘I’m up, having enjoyed a full night’s uneventful sleep.’

I gave a smile as I pressed send, wondering how long before he realised what it meant.

Not too long as it turned out.

‘Wait, you mean you didn’t have a nightmare??? :D Oh god, that’s great!’

I smiled at the screen.

‘In the end, as you fade into the night! Wo-oh-oh-oh! Who will tell, the story of your life?’

People stared at us as we leaned out the window of the moving bus, singing loudly. Some little kids were cheering in the back of cars, and some pop-loving teens gave us weird and dirty looks, but we merely smiled at the kids and gave the finger to the teens.

‘I’m hungry.’ Raven suddenly announced.

We all looked at him.

‘And what else is new?’ asked Kieran.

Fortunately, the tour bus pulled up at this point, meaning Raven could practically leap out the door and run to the iHop that was across the road.

‘Cripes.’ Said Blade as we followed.

‘I think you mean Crepes.’ I corrected as we entered and saw Raven waving madly from where he had been sat at a booth, a grin all over his face.

‘What took you guys so long?’ he whined as we sat down.

‘Not all of us are sugar junkies. A few of us are.’ Alex nudged me at this point.

‘Hey!’ I whined, swatting him lightly.

‘Hiya, can I help you?’ We looked at the waitress.

‘Yes, can I have Chocolate Chocolate Chip Pancakes?’ All of us rolled our eyes and shook our heads at Alex’s order.

‘Strawberry Banana Pancakes please.’ Said Raven.

‘Strawberry Banana Danish Fruit Crepes.’ Said Blade.

‘Make that two.’ Chipped in Kieran.

‘I’ll have the New York Cheesecake Pancakes.’ I said.

She moved off.

‘Oh look who it is!’ All our head shot to see the Barbies and the Jocks at a booth.

‘For fucks sake.’ Growled Blade.

‘It’s the Emo’s! In a faggy emo band!’ called April.

‘Hey, leave them alone!’ A crowd of teens had stopped talking and looked over.

April raised her eyebrows and Greg stood up.

‘Why don’t you stay out of it?’

‘Because we are fans, and I won’t here anyone talk bad about one of my favourite bands.’ A boy stood up, a boy with stubborn, spiky brown hair.

‘Liam?’ gaped Greg.

Liam nodded, and looked at us.

‘Hey, SJ. I got another one.’ He lifted his short, and next to the BVB Star, I saw our logo tattooed.

‘What? You support these emo’s?’ exclaimed Greg.

‘Yes. I do.’ And with that, Liam sat down. The girl next to him kissed his cheek, and he gave a sheepish grin at us. I winked, smiled and then turned to Greg.

‘Close your mouth Greg, we are not codfish.’ I sighed.

He shut his mouth and sat down, as our food arrived.

‘I think we just owned the Jocks.’ Said Blade as we tucked in.


Sorry it's so short! But I have major writers block currently....

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