Ch. 2 - Nightmares Always Haunt Us

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CC p.o.v

I awoke to hear a scream. My eyes flying open, I found SJ crying into my chest, her arms wrapped round my waist.

'SJ!' I placed a finger under chin, tilting her head so my eyes met hers.

'Please don't let them hurt me! Make them go away!' she cried. 'Please CC, I'm scared!'

I enveloped her tightly to me, cuddling her so closely to my body.

‘Shh, shh, it’s okay sweetie, I got you, I got you, you’re safe now baby.’ I soothed softly.

She nuzzled her head in the crook of my neck, still weeping softly. I gently rubbed her back, rocking her gently, continuing to shush her softly.

She eventually calmed down, sniffling slightly.

‘Did this happen at the hospital?’ I asked her carefully.

She shook her head.

‘No. They put me under heavy sedatives so I didn’t disturb the other patients.’ She whimpered.

I clutched her even closer, and sighed, my breath ruffling her hair slightly.

‘C’mere, shh, sleepy time now.’ I murmured.

She eventually dropped off again, even if she did twitch slightly in her sleep. I studied her face, her wet cheeks, her pale skin. Those guys had better be glad they were in prison. Other wise I would be hunting them down and causing them as much pain as they had caused her.

‘CC? CC!’

‘What?’ I opened an eye, annoyed slightly at being disturbed.

‘What happened last night? I heard SJ scream.’ Ashley’s face was etched with concern, making him look older than he was.

‘She had a nightmare. That was it.’ I replied wearily.

‘Sounded like more than just a bloody nightmare.’

‘It was about that night.’

Ashley then just seemed to loose all his fight. He sat on the edge, absent-mindedly playing with a lock of SJ’s hair.

‘Sorry CC. It’s just – it was like loosing Lucy all over again. I lost one little girl. I can’t loose my other one.’ He said.

‘She’ll be fine. You know when she goes on tour her band will take care of her. And Jayy will keep an eye on her no matter what.’ I reassured.

‘Yeah. But she’ll need time to recover before she leaves.’ Said Ashley, his gaze still trained on the sleeping girl.

‘You mean you just want more time to fuss over her and spoil her.’ I teased.

‘You make that sound like a bad thing.’ He pouted.

She started to shuffle slightly next to me, and I heard her mumbling.

‘Please, no! Please, let me go! Daddy! CC! Jinxx! Please, stop! Don’t do this! PLEASE! Jinxx! CC! DADDY!’ She sat up suddenly, her eyes wide open, tears spilling.


Ashley wrapped his arms round her, hugging her tightly. She cried once again into his chest, as he picked her up off the bed, holding her like she was five and had just fallen over.

‘Sh, shh, daddy’s here, daddy’s got you.’ He was murmuring, rocking her.

I watched with a stabbing pain in my heart. What had she done to deserve this?

The biggest crime of all. Be herself

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