Ch. 12 - One Less Heart To Break

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‘K-K-Kieran?’ I whispered, the entire spinning world spinning round me as my brain tried to register all of this.

The woman nodded. ‘Yes, he was recognised by his silver medical bracelet for his allergy to Penicillin. He’s currently in Manchester Hospital, in ICU…’ her words flew in one of my ears and straight out the other. For Kieran could not be in hospital, he couldn’t, he was the strong one, the dependable one, he was practically my brother, he had to be okay, I needed him to be ok…

Before I realised it, I was running. Behind me, I could hear a mixture of voices screaming my name, footsteps pounding after my own, but all I knew was I was running from them, from their comforting lies and pie-crust promises that would soon become crumbs at my feet. Running from the truth….

I suddenly crashed into a person and would have fallen to my feet if a hand had not grabbed my arm.

‘Woah woah Princess!’

My gaze snapped to his face, my eyes desperately trying to blink away the building tears so I could see properly this person, to confirm whom I thought it was…


‘Hold up, something must be seriously wrong if you’re calling me that.’ Jinxx frowned as he hoisted me up into his arms. ‘You’ve not called me “Jinxxie” is ages Princess.’

I simply buried my face in the crook of his neck as the tattle-tail sounds of running feet drew closer.

‘Thank god you got her.’ Panted Blade.

‘What’s gone on?” asked Jinxx. ‘And why is there only three of you?’

‘Kieran was out buying Jaffa Cakes for Skittles, when he-he got hit by a car that mounted the kerb...’ Alex trailed off, and my blood suddenly turned into ice.

He had been out buying me Jaffa Cakes. If I hadn’t of wanted them, he wouldn’t have gone out, and he would still be here…. It was my fault. My fault.


I heard the voice of Jayy calling, and suddenly his hands took me, holding me tightly to his tall figure.

‘Where’s Ashley?’ he asked, smoothing my hair down.

‘The guys shouldn’t be too far away…’ Jinxx said, gently chewing the inside of his lip.

‘SSSSSSJ!’ I looked up as I heard the chirpy voice of Andy.

‘SJ!’ Ashley came bounding towards us, but his face fell as he saw my tear stained face, and his cheerful bouncy walk turned almost instantly into a run, over to Jayy where he took me from Jayy’s arms and cradled me softly.

‘Oh sweetie, what’s wrong? What’s up?’ he asked.

Raven explained once again. Ashley looked stricken by the end, and his hold on me was so tight it was almost painful.

‘Oh lordy…’ he looked down at me.

‘Oh god, sweetie.’

Blood slowly ran down my stomach, little trails creating new patterns as they crossed over. I was hiding in the girl’s bathroom at the hospital, twirling a blade between my fingers. I had grabbed it from Blade’s bunk, and I knew it wouldn’t be too long before he realised. And they would notice how long I had been gone.

So I had to do this quickly.

Lets face it; the band would be better off without me. The whole world would be better without me. Kieran would still be here, not lying in a coma April, Holly and all that lot would be happy. I wouldn’t be a burden to the guys – they could get a new guitarist, a stronger-willed one, who wasn’t such a weakling. Jayy wouldn’t have to worry about me anymore. CC could find a new girlfriend - with ease - who was prettier and skinnier and better than me. Jinxx wouldn’t have to fuss over me either - besides, I knew if and when he and Sammi had a child, he would have the baby to focus on. And Ashley wouldn’t have the weight of a daughter pulling him down. He could go out and pick up ladies, and not have to worry about upsetting me. I was struggling to find a reason to stay.

And I could see Emma again.

With that, I drew the blade down my wrists, lengthways, so I knew they wouldn’t close. The blade was so sharp and precise, and I barley felt the pain.

I took one last look in the mirror, at the girl with the pale skin and hollow face, at the girl with the limp hair, the girl who’s grey eyes had lost their sparkle, the girl who was nothing more than used goods, the girls who was worthless, who was the cause of Kieran’s accident. The guilty one.

The Murderer.

I gave a small crooked smile, and as my legs folded in, and my vision blurred, I let the blackness take me, wrapping round me like a comforting quilt, easing all the pain and tension and anger inside, soothing my shattered heart.

I would be at peace.

The world would be better.

That was the last thought that stumbled through my mind.

A/N: Y'know, I'm just going to go and hide over here *runs away* Sorry for the delayed update guys, but my sister got hold of my memory stick which contained my fan-fictions and she;s lost it, so I have lost EVERYTHING. And I mean EVERYTHING.

I will try update as quick as possible, I promise!

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