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☆ミ ☆彡

CHALLAN WAS THE FIRST ONE TO ARRIVE in Mr. Clarke's class. She typically liked to get to all of her classes early a) so she can get a seat in the back, where she'd receive the least amount of attention (unless her seat is assigned, in that case, she just wants to get to her seat) and b) to avoid the occasional student sticking out their foot to trip her as she made her way to her seat.

"Hello, Challan," Mr. Clarke greeted as he looked up. He probably would've known that it was her without even looking up. She was always early.

"Hi, Mr. Clarke," she softly spoke. It had become clear to Mr. Clarke early on when Challan became his student that she wasn't very talkative and kept to herself. She was grateful that he never tried to push her into a conversation.

Challan walked to her usual seat in the back of the class and heavily dropped into it, her backpack dropping to the floor. She pulled out her science textbook and notebook as well as a pencil. She opened the notebook to a blank page and kept her eyes trained on it as other students began filtering in. She could hear giggles and whispers and hoped that it wasn't about her. Though it almost always was.

"Hey, hag," a girl, Abigail Benson, began quietly as she made her way over, "I've got a question for you."

Challan sighed softly and looked up. Abigail was one of her main tormenters. The girl couldn't go a day without being a bully. It was her only personality trait. Abigail turned to where Mr. Clarke was sitting to see if he was paying attention to them, continuing when she saw that he wasn't. "What do you think is the best way to kill a witch? I say the classic burning at the stake but Lilly thinks hanging. Would you rather be burned or hanged?" Abigail questioned with a smirk.

"A-are you threatening me?" Challan asked, looking around the girl to Mr. Clarke, who still wasn't looking their way.

Abigail leaned forward, "What do you think you stupid bitch?"

"I think that's a crime that you can get in serious trouble for," Challan replied calmly, though her heart thundered in her chest.

"You gonna snitch on me now, Logan?" Abigail inquired, her tone dark.

Challan leaned back in her chair, away from the girl.

"Abigail, get to your seat please," Mr. Clarke requested, finally looking up as the bell was about to ring.

The blonde turned to face him with a faux smile, "We're just having a nice little conversation, aren't we Challan?" Abigail's dark eyes glanced over at Challan who was looking at Mr. Clarke, her eyes practically pleading for him to intervene.

𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now