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☆ミ ☆彡

CHALLAN HAD GONE BACK TO SCHOOL THE VERY NEXT DAY. Her parents hadn't wanted her to, they wanted to keep her home for a few more days. But Challan didn't want to stay home. She just didn't. Besides, it's not like Abigail and her friends would be there anyway. They had been suspended for a week.

So, Challan assured them that she was fine, a little shaken up, but fine. It was a lie. She was more than a little shaken and hadn't slept at all because she had nightmares all night long, but she didn't tell them that. If she had, they would probably never let her go back.

She was sure her parents were going to try to find a way to pull her out of Hawkins Middle and to the middle school in Evanswood. They weren't sure how they would make it work, but they were going to try. Challan didn't really care. This is what she had wanted for a long time but for some reason, a part of her didn't want to go to school in Evanswood. She wasn't sure why. She really needed to get her priorities in check.

Both of her parents were in the car to drive her to school. They wanted to keep their eye on her as much as they could after what happened.

"Are you sure you want to go back today? Maybe a few more days off would be best," her mother asked for the sixth time.

"I'm sure," Challan said quietly.

The woman looked at her husband who shrugged slightly.

"We'll pick you up after school and take you to ballet okay?" He dad said.

Ballet. Challan had forgotten that she had dance practice after school today. She hadn't brought her dance bag in her rush to get to the car before her parents had to avoid anymore questions. It didn't help that her mind was all over the place and she just forgot.

"I... I forgot my dance bag," she muttered.

The two adults looked at each other again.

"That's okay. We'll bring it when we come to pick you up and you can get ready in the bathroom when we get there," her mother said, sending her a reassuring smile. "Unless, you don't want to go today."

"No. I want to go," Challan said with a nod.


Challan returned her attention to the window, watching the trees fly by. When she got to school, her parents again asked her if she was sure. Challan picked up her backpack, sending them a forced smile, a nod, and exited the car.

She was used to stares. She was stared at every single day. But it was different this time. Everyone knew about what had happened. Challan wasn't sure what their opinions were on the incident but they were probably in support of Abigail and her friends. It's not like anyone there gave a shit about her. She thought that Max did but she was wrong.

𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now