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☆ミ ☆彡

AS THE NIGHT DRAGGED ON, Challan could feel herself growing tired. She just wanted to go home. Max's arm had slipped from hers a while ago and the redhead was now talking to Lucas about something Challan wasn't listening to. Instead, she kept her attention on all of the candy she had accumulated in her bag. She didn't even feel like eating it anymore.

A nudge to her arm caused her to look over at Dustin, who had what seemed to have an apologetic glint in his eyes. "Hi," he said quietly.

"Hey," Challan mumbled.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said. Sometimes the words that come into my head just fall out of my mouth before I can even think to stop them. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything. Sorry," he apologized.

Challan sighed and shook her head, "I overreacted, it's fine."

"No. If anything, you underreacted. I probably deserved a lot more than I got. If I thought you were a witch, w-which I don't by the way, I would have thought you would hex me or something," he said.

She frowned, "So because I didn't hex you, you don't think I'm a witch?"

Dustin began to stutter, his eyes avoiding her own as he tried formulating words. She shook her head lightly with a breathy laugh, "I'm kidding."

A sigh of relief escaped his lips and he laughed nervously. "You know, I didn't think you'd be like this," he admitted.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "Like what?"

He shrugged, "You know, relaxed and kind of cool."

"You think I'm cool?" She questioned, that familiar feeling of disbelief swelling within her. She hadn't done anything that warranted being cool, why had two different people call her cool within a short timeframe?

"Yeah I mean, you like the Addams Family which is insanely cool in my book," Dustin said, gesturing to her Halloween costume. "I'm sure you have other qualities that make you cool. Maybe we can hang out sometime and get to know each other. You and Max, me and my party. It'll be fun," he suggested.

"Yeah, sure, I guess," Challan said and Dustin grinned.


Challan smiled, feeling better than she had a few minutes ago. Maybe this night would end on a good note after all.

She had spoken too soon.

A scream startled the two out of their conversation and their heads turned quickly to see Mike running and Will nowhere in sight. Dustin and Lucas were quick to run after him as Challan and Max looked at each other in confusion before following after the boys.

𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now