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☆ミ ☆彡

HADIYAH AND THEODORE LOGAN WERE NOT ANGRY PEOPLE. Could they get angry? Sure. They were human and humans get angry. But Challan hardly ever saw the two angry, especially not at her. But when she came home after Eleven had closed the gate, limping into her house, she faced a wrath she hadn't known her parents to have.

She hadn't meant to scare them, that's why she had left a note. But the note wasn't enough because she hadn't left any contact information for Max's parents or their address. That was intentional but Challan pretended that it had slipped her mind. They didn't like that answer at all.

Then there was her back, which was slightly bruised from the events of that night. She had lied to her parents and said that she hurt it when Max was teaching her how to skateboard. They believed the lie, thankfully, and took her to see her doctor the next morning. Luckily for Challan, her back was fine and she was cleared to dance for the recital.

The next few weeks had been pretty great. Challan had hung out with Max and the party a lot, getting to know them all better. Challan had accepted Libby's sleepover invitation and was excited to attend that after the recital.

Currently, she had her headphones over her ears as her Walkman played the apology mixtape that Max had made for her. Her nerves were through the roof as she stared at her reflection in the dressing room mirror. Dancers were bustling about around her, frantically trying to get ready. The Nutcracker recital would start soon and Challan was a bundle of nerves.

She wasn't typically nervous when it came time to dance in front of people. But it was different this time because Max Mayfield would be in the audience. Over the past few weeks, she and Max had gotten close. Really close. The more time Challan spent with her, the more Challan realized that she might have some not-so-friendly feelings for the girl. Would she ever admit that? No. Never. She hoped that whatever weird feelings that she had for the girl would soon go away. She didn't want to feel like this.

"Warm up, warm up! Time for warm-ups," a voice called. Challan paused the song that was playing through her Walman and took her headphones off. She placed her Walkman back in her bag and began to follow everyone out of the room to start warming up.

Once they were done with warm-ups, the show began. Challan waited patiently for her time to go on stage and it came quicker than she expected. As soon as Challan stepped onto the stage, she felt her nerves start to slip away. Once the music started, it transported her to another world.


Max had shown up late. So so very late. She hadn't meant to but her mom had gotten off work later than she was supposed to and neither Billy nor her stepfather would take her to the recital. Challan had told her that if she needed a ride, her parents would take her but Max had assured the girl that her mom would be able to take her. She should've gone with the Logans.

𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now