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☆ミ ☆彡

WARNING: Billy Hargrove attacking kids

"IT'S NOT LIKE IT WAS BEFORE. IT'S GROWN," Hopper was saying as they all stood around the kitchen table. He was referring to the gate to the Upside Down. Challan hadn't seen the gate before like the others but if it was bigger than the last time, that couldn't be good. "A lot. And, I mean, that's considering we can get in there. The place is crawling with those dogs."

"Demo-dogs," Dustin was quick to correct.

Hopper looked at him, "I'm sorry, what?"

"I said, uh, Demo-dogs. Like Demogorgon and dogs. You put them together, it sounds pretty badass—"

"How is this important right now?" Hopper interrupted.

"It's not. I'm sorry," Dustin deflated. Challan placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"I can do it," Eleven informed.

Hopper sighed, "You're not hearing me."

"I'm hearing you. I can do it," she repeated.

"Even if El can, there's still another problem. If the brain dies, the body dies," Mike said.

"I thought that was the whole point," Max said.

"It is, but if we're really right about this... I mean, if El closes the gate and kills the mind flayer's army..."

"Will's a part of that army," Lucas realized.

"Closing the gate will kill him," Mike confirmed. They all looked away from one another in thought.

"So what do we do? I mean, we have to close the gate, right?" Challan inquired. They all looked around at one another. None of them knew what to do. This was bad. Very very bad.

Ms. Byers stared forward for a second before going to the room where an unconscious Will lay. They all followed after her as the gears in her brain began moving. "He likes it cold."

"What?" Hopper asked.

"It's what Will kept saying to me. He likes it cold." She walked over to the window and closed it. "We keep giving it what it wants."

"If this is a virus, and Will's the host, then..." Nancy began.

"Then we need to make the host uninhabitable," Jonathan finished for her.

"So if he likes it cold..." Nancy continued.

"We need to burn it out of him," Ms. Byers finalized.

"We have to do it somewhere he doesn't know this time," Mike instructed.

𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now