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☆ミ ☆彡

WARNING: Internalized homophobia (last time I swear)

IT HAD BEEN A WEEK SINCE MAX AND CHALLAN KISSED AND THEY HADN'T SPOKEN SINCE THAT NIGHT. Neither girl made an effort to talk to one another, both too confused and conflicted as they tried to figure out their feelings. Challan didn't know what she was doing. Max was just so utterly confused about the whole thing. They both liked the kiss but they both knew that they shouldn't.

It wasn't right.

But it didn't feel wrong.

Challan sat across from her parents, twiddling her thumbs together nervously. The two adults had noticed how she had become withdrawn and also how Max didn't come over anymore. She was going to tell them the truth. She was just afraid of how they would react.

"So, um, I, uh. I wanted to tell you something that I've been... feeling I guess is the word. And something that happened when I had my sleepover with Max," she blurted. Her parents looked at each other before looking back at her.

"Okay, honey."

"You can tell us anything."

Challan sighed, tears welling up in her eyes. "I don't want you to hate me."

"What? Baby, we could never hate you," her mother said, taking the younger girl's hand and squeezing it.

"We love you, always," her father added.

Challan took a shaky breath and her parents grew worried about what she was going to tell them.

"I don't really know how to say this," Challan trailed off, wracking her brain to find the right words to explain everything. She was scared to even say the words out loud. Scared that her parents would react horribly and make her feel worse than she already did.

"It's okay, take your time," her father encouraged and Challan nodded.

They sat there for a good five minutes, Challan still not finding the courage to tell them. She stared down at her fingers instead of at her parents. The two adults waited patiently for what she had to tell them.

"Okay, so. I've started to realize something that's not normal with me," Challan finally spoke.

Neither of her parents said anything as they looked at her in confusion and waited for her to continue.

𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now