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☆ミ ☆彡

HER PARENTS SEEMED TO REALLY LIKE LUCAS. Maybe it was just their excitement for their daughter having friends. Challan thought her mom was especially happy that Lucas was Black. Not that she had anything against white people but she was glad that Challan had a friend who she could relate to. Challan was glad too. Although, she was feeling a little concerned about this friendship because of the whole Upside Down thing.

The longer she sat with everything he had told her and Max, the more she slowly began to believe it. Everything that happened with Will last year didn't add up completely. She hadn't realized it until now and now that she knew the truth, her entire life would change. She just wasn't sure if it would change for the better or worse. Realistically, it would probably be for the worse.

That night, Challan hadn't slept well at all. But she hadn't really slept well since the incident with Abigail. She was plagued with nightmares of being burned alive, being chased by monsters, and being trapped in an alternate dimension that looked like Hawkins but wasn't. Lucas's descriptions had been very illustrative and her mind took on a life of its own. Her own mind was against her.

Challan gave up on trying to sleep and instead decided to distract her mind. She was sat up in her bed, the Walkman Max had given her in her lap, the headphones over her ears as she listened to the mixtape Max had made her again. She had listened to it a few times now and each time she did, it got better and better. Did some songs still make her emotional? Yes but she was sure that would lessen in time, she hadn't listened to it for that long. Listening to the mixtape calmed her down for some reason. It made her feel better. She was really grateful for Max and the mixtape. It was good to have something like this that could keep her mind off of the crazy things. And now that she knew the truth about Hawkins, she was sure she would be listening to it a lot more.

It was the morning now and she was still sitting on her bed. Her parents had both gone back to work, which a part of her was grateful for. They had been hovering since what had happened at the school with Abigail. While she understood where they were coming from, she still found it annoying.

She looked over at her clock and when seeing the time, she decided to get out of bed and take a shower. Challan didn't usually take long showers, not wanting to be the reason the water bill went up. She was just supposed to take a quick shower and wash her hair. But that morning was different. She couldn't bring herself to get out of the bathtub. The hot water was starting to turn cold now but she couldn't bring herself to care or even move. It was like she was in a trance, thoughts floating around in her mind and she couldn't focus on a single one.

The ringing of her doorbell pulled her out of her trance-like state and she was quickly turning off the shower and drying her body. The doorbell continued to ring as she pulled on her undergarments and quickly put on a shirt and jeans. Her wet hair immediately made her shirt wet and she didn't have time to dry it as she was quickly running out of the bathroom and to the front door. The doorbell rang one last time before she pulled the door open. She pushed her wet hair out of her face and breathed heavily as she stared ahead at the two people standing in front of her.

𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now