Chapter 1: Class 1-A

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Erasermic is going to be mentioned. However, it isn't really important for the story. I just built it in because my bisexual brain clings onto that ship. Otherwise, this story'll be gen.

have fun Human beings.


Izuku still can't quite believe that this is happening right now. In front of him the gigantic building that is the main part of UA High towers mighty into the sky; so far into the clouds in fact that he has to crane his head when he wants to look at the whole thing. God, this really is actually somehow happening. His knees shiver when he tentatively walks towards the entrance.

He hasn't thought he'd pass in all honesty. When the exam was announced, he'd immediately thought to himself: "Well, fuck." As a rule, no weapons (apart from already illegal ones) were prohibited from being used against robots, sure, but a baseball bat and a frying pan can only do so much. To be frank, it was astounding that Izuku had even managed to gather eighteen combat points before his weapons completely gave up on him. Then his helper syndrome had kicked in after a round of excessive mental language expression.

And well... if there's one thing Midoriya Izuku is good at it's poking his head into other people's businesses. Thus, the fifteen year old had managed to obtain sixty rescue points, rocketing his score up to whopping seventy-eight points in total. Not only has he landed himself a place in UA - his dream school, the one he's wanted to be enrolled at ever since he'd first learnt about it when he was nine - no, he also completely blew up his own expectations and came out of that exam in first place.

Izuku draws in a deep breath and steadies himself before he enters the facility. Promptly he finds himself lost but after asking Present Mic (oh damn, it's really THE pro hero himself!) where his classroom is located, Izuku soon spots the huge ass metal door with the stylized font depicting 1-A on it. That's it - In this room are going to be all of his future classmates. He hopes they aren't going to be ignoring him like the ones in middle school. Albeit it's considerably better to be ignored than to be hated, the teenager muses.

Well, there goes nothing!

After opening the door, Izuku can't help but wish he could just go back to not knowing what his classmates are like. The first thing he notices is a girl who rubs herself against four boys at the same time. Okay...? Then there are five guys who are already trying to tear each other's heads off, which is not something he'd ever thought to find at a hero school on the very first day.

A girl with vacant eyes doodles on school property and next to her another one nervously keeps biting her bottom lip while looking around in fear. Both of them have black hair and look fairly similar to each other. Maybe they're twins.

Some students are fixated on their phones. They didn't look up when he came in and...

"You're in the way, loser!" Oh, wow, the blackboard doesn't taste too well. Izuku steps away from said board and hastily swipes chalk away from his mouth. He turns to see two boys (one who has pushed him pretty harshly - the one with the big hands most likely) and a girl with bushy grey tail trot into the room. They don't spare him or any of the others a single glance and plop down on three unoccupied seats.

Izuku feels the hairs on his neck rise and focuses on the door again where, to his utter confusion, a man in a sleeping bag watches the scene with the most "I'm done" mimic he's ever seen. Midoriya throws a glance at the clock. Five minutes until their teacher should arrive. Perhaps this man is the teacher. He decides to don him a respectful nod and try to solve some of the... problems he sees. As mentioned previously: Izuku likes to stumble into people's businesses.

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