Chapter 5: Snap, the First

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With an expression of pure smugness, their Heroics teacher stretches out his arm and presses a button on some sort of remote control. An enormous black panel, which Izuku has honestly just interpreted as a differently designed part of the wall, slides up smoothly to reveal an ordinary window. Well, what's behind the window is certainly not that ordinary, Izuku realizes with a start, because as it turns out, the city behind the glass isn't real. No cars drive through its streets, no civilians wander around to liven up the space and it's completely tinted in the tell-tale off-white of cement. "Cementoss' work!" he thinks impressed.

"So these are the famous UA training facilities. Just like in the entrance exam..." the Midoriya whispers excitedly, awed at the sheer size of things here at his school. He blends the others out, muttering just as rapidly as he's musing: "The exact measurements aren't known to the general public but I read that there are around eight vastly varying battle simulation grounds. Oh, shit, I'm so hyped (not only thanks to my playlist for once in my life)! I wonder what the exercise's going to be about. I hope it's going to include the architectural structure - oh, for fuck's sake, who am I kidding? Of course sensei's gonna have the structure play an integral part in it! Either it'll probably be a death match or - ah." Someone clears their throat... instantly, Izuku becomes aware of the silence that engulfs him like a heavy blanket. He awkwardly shuffles around, directing his attention back to Vlad King who has his eyebrows raised at him. "...Um. Sorry, sensei."

"Riiiight" the pro says slowly, "as Midoriya explained: This is one of our famous training grounds. Here at UA, we follow the motto of 'Plus Ultra' in every aspect... and it shows in our expenses." the last part is quieter but not enough for them not to pick up on it. Izuku sweat-drops - his teachers don't really mince their words, do they?

The hero continues: "In this city, we are going to have two team fights. The first round with four teams and the second with three. Not quite a death match, Midoriya." he gives Izuku a wink. The boy holds back a small groan. Is this becoming a second Present Mic situation? Luckily, no. Vlad King reads his student's exasperation, thus, goes back to his explanations seconds after the quick jab: "The objective is to incapacitate the other teams. The winning teams of round one and two then compete in a randomized one versus one. There are three winners overall in the end - mainly because we don't have time to drag it out even further. Simple, right?" A couple of hero hopefuls hesitantly agree. "NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT SIMPLE!"

Some - those who are in the front row, to be precise - shrink back at the sudden aggressive exclamation. One even flinches so hard that his sunglasses fall off and he grasps his heart in shock. Vlad King barks out a laugh. "Sorry, that came out louder than I wanted it to." he apologizes. "It isn't as simple as it sounds. You'll have a time limit of thirty minutes and if one of your team is captured, the whole team loses." some murmurs go through the crowd but the teacher ignores them, "Well, let's once again randomly decide which teams will compete against each other."

Izuku takes the time to get a good look at his teammates. A very tall girl with long dark blue hair adorns the palest skin he's ever seen a human have. Black lipstick, black leggings, black boots and a black long sleeve shirt - honestly, this much black makes her seem a bit intimidating. Said intimidation really comes through in the manner in which she stares at their third member - another girl but stockier than the first, in a tomboyish outfit, smaller and with glowing yellow eyes and black, messy, kind of short hair that reminds Izuku a little bit of his own. Shorty meets the first one's glare head-on. Their gaze exchange is loaded with simmering disgust. Cool, totally. It's not as if Izuku would have actually wanted a functioning team or something.

"-and Midoriya, Sorahoshi and Haiken in the first round. You will have fifteen minutes to discuss strategies. Aaaaand - go!"

Okay. Izuku can totally somehow wing this. He heads to the two girls who haven't ceased their visual dagger stabbing. "Hello" he tries and gets an offended growl by the black haired one for his efforts. "Guys, I really think we should-"

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