Chapter 6: It's Time to D-D-Duel!

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Izuku's legs hurt. It's like he just absolved two soccer matches in a row without ever stopping his running. It's like he's run the big parcours round thrice.

That's not to say that he doesn't feel exhilaratingly alive. The adrenaline and his team's victory put a wide smile on his face, now uncovered from goggles, facemask and hood. He sits between Haiken ("Call me Mu, you ridiculous Kiwi-boy!" "Why Kiwi?!" went unheard by the boisterous girl) and Sorahoshi ("I... My name is Shimiru." she had hesitantly offered, shyly nodding when he'd stuttered out: "I-Izuku?" as if he were unsure on whether that's really his name or not). Izuku doesn't know why the two of them offered their respective first names - or, in Hai... Mu's case a nickname - but he isn't about to turn down such a nice gesture.

Vlad King's silhouette is illuminated by the big TV screens in front of him. They show the second battle of the day whilst those who were affected by Shimiru's quirk's skin irritation have been sent to Recovery Girl's office... basically, what this means is that the three of them are the only ones aside from their teacher in the dark observers' room. "Should be more awkward than it is." Izuku thinks. There's a sort of satisfied exhaustion clinging to his frame.

Vlad King hums, turning his attention from one monitor to another where a broad back clad in grey is seen. Nagare crouches a little bit to the side of the camera that's sending the picture to the screen, his neck bent downwards. "I wonder what his quirk is..." Izuku absentmindedly mumbles, still watching in mild excitement - he's too spent for a more cheerful exterior right now.

"No idea, man. Gummy worms?" Mu asks, shoving a bag of said gelatinous goods in his hands. Without taking his eyes off the screen (and without really thinking of why and where Mu has kept them on her), the boy grabs a small handful and begins devouring a green-yellow one. "Thanks" he says as an afterthought.

Then he blends out Mu and Shimiru. He blends out everything else, his mind running a kilometre per second as he focuses on Nagare's descend. Underneath the small one-story building on whose roof he's perched on, a fight between two other students has broken out. Unluckily, Izuku has no idea whether one of them is on the pink haired boy's team or not.

All of a sudden, Nagare jumps, landing right next to a broad, navy-skinned shark-teethed girl who seems to be able to extend her neck. Immediately, the Handsome One places a hand on her head...

...and what then happens catches Izuku off-guard.

The girl's eyes roll up and... she just... drops? "What kind of quirk is that? Most likely an emitter-type; has to do with brain functions, mind or consciousness..." he mutters in awe. What an interesting quirk indeed.

"Looks brutal as fuck." Mu comments.

"... But she doesn't seem to be hurt." Shimiru intervenes.

"Nagare seems to be able to make it instantaneous. Maybe, though, he could extend the duration of whatever it is. I wonder if it's actually painful - could be a good torture method... u-um, I mean..." Izuku clears his throat when Vlad King sends him a concerned glance over his shoulder.

Mu snorts, cackling as the Midoriya starts to blush and splutter.

To save the boy's grace (at least the little of it that's left), prompt in that moment the other students start trickling in again, looking a bit tired for wear but much better now that the red blotches on their skin are gone. A tall, really buff guy with red skin, who reminds Izuku a bit of a traditional depicted Japanese tengu, heads over and drops little bundles of gummy bears on each of their laps. "I asked Recovery Girl if I could take some of them with me for 1-A but she gave me three of those."

Izuku decides to disregard being called '1-A'. Firstly Kiwi and now... 1-A.

Also, at the rate he's getting candy, he'll be overweight in no time. Ah, to hell with it. He chews on the bears, immediately feeling his overused muscles relax. Wait a minute. From Recovery Girl? Huh... did she kiss each one of them or how does that work? Is her spit in those or why are they relieving his pain? Alright, Izuku thinks with a grimace, better not to ask about that. He doesn't want to be mentally scarred because of gummy bears of all things.

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