Chapter 7: We'll Meet Again

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Me:update schedule?
Me:Don't know her


Makino-sensei: I understand that you're now training to become a hero. However, I would appreciate it if you could write me beforehand when you are planning on not attending a lesson.

Izuku lets his head plop down onto his pillow. He'd completely forgotten about his parcours lesson after his... second strange experience in less than two days. It's the stress that's surely getting to him, he guesses. Also, he doesn't think he even could have appeared as he'd been too tired to have his eyes open for long and his body was aching still when he'd lied down on his bed. Heaving himself up into a sitting position, he risks a look at his mobile phone's inbuilt clock. Eleven at night.

Izuku: I'm sorry, sensei! It won't happen again. he types out fast in response.

He listens to the crickets chirping outside his window, lets himself be lulled by their never-ending monotonous song as he massages his slightly aching head with clammy fingers. The night is stifling; he wonders how he'd even slept in the heat of his room whilst wearing the majority of his school uniform. Sweat pearls roll down his back. Izuku quickly pulls off his white dress shirt and puts it aside. The pants come next. And then he's sitting on his bed half naked. Just sitting. Nothing more. His eyes are unfocused and... he doesn't think. For the first time in... well, he doesn't know how long it's been but he doesn't remember when it had last happened... for the first time in forever, his head stays empty. There's seemingly nothing inside but a big and silent void. Izuku doesn't want there to be anything in its stead. The thoughts he'd have would revolve around those weird occurrences and he'd rather remain a shell for a couple of seconds. He drifts. More than a few seconds.

A single conscious but hazy gaze leaves him with an impression of his kitchen. Then he's eating a bowl of cereal. Maybe the taste of chocolate filling his mouth slightly pulls him back to reality. "Didn't know I could do that" he thinks, staring still somewhat absentmindedly at the slowly browning milk. "I didn't do it. Not by myself. It just happened" he adds internally. Like so many things nowadays tend to happen to him. Like the man on the train and the... the...

The bowl shatters on the floor.

Izuku's hands have abandoned him. They're shaking, shaking, shaking and can't do anything else. Helplessly, he sinks down on his knees, trying to reach for the larger shards. But his hands don't work. They tremble instead, harsher at the memory of a soulless eye rolling towards him; harsher at the memory of the feeling that had befallen his body in the train. Izuku swallows although his throat's painfully dry.

The Midoriya's ears don't acknowledge the nearing shuffling footsteps of Inko's bunny-themed slippers on the hallway's tiles. "Izukkun?" Inko asks into the room.

He laughs; it's a borderline hysterical thing. "Oh, mom! Um, had a little bit of an... accident here." Forcing his hands into obeying, he collects the shards. Since when does he let himself be intimidated? His fingers cease their unwanted movement. Calmness settles in, gaining strength with each further deep breath he takes.

"Are you sure everything's alright?" His mom doesn't sound convinced in the slightest. There's a tiny waver in her voice, which festers guilt on his tongue that tastes like the bitterest coffee in existence. Izuku brings himself to smile. "Yeah!" he quips, internally wincing at the faux cheerfulness, "I was just a bit clumsy... I don't know, maybe my muscles are still a bit overtaxed. Heroics sure are exhausting, I can tell you that!"

His mother's shoulder sag down - a sign she believes him (he's gotten quite good at lying over time). "Oh, well then." she sighs in relief, "Just don't stay up too late. Try to catch some sleep, dear." With that and a quick hug, she retreats back to her bedroom.

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