Chapter 2: Two Encounters

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A/N: So, here's the second chapter.

As always,

Have fun Human beings.


Izuku blinks at the title of his schedule. It says "Joint Timetable 1-A & 1-B (If Shouta actually has students this time o-)". "Eh, Aizawa-sensei?" he asks the man who shucks the other possible timetables into the trash bin.

"What is it, Midoriya?"

"I-Is that a microphone emoji?"

Aizawa-sensei raises an eyebrow and motions for Izuku to let him take a look at the paper again. The boy obliges. Tired, bloodshot eyes fly over the first sentence and he sighs. It's not a normal sigh by any means - it manages to convey fondness, exasperation as well as disbelief all in one.

Izuku thinks he hears a muffled "Goddamn it, Hizashi" but Aizawa-sensei just hands him the schedule back and nods. "Yes" he says out loud, "No wonder that, you'll have lessons with Mic's class after all."

"W-With Present Mic's class?!" Izuku eagerly asks, "He's the homeroom teacher of 1-B?"

"Yes. And your English teacher." Aizawa supplies.

For a moment, it seems as if Izuku's vibrating with the amount of enthusiasm he displays. He now happily reads over the rest of his timetable. In the mornings, he'll have homeroom with Aizawa-sensei in class 1-A. However, homeroom isn't the only class Eraserhead teaches. Izuku frowns at the afternoon classes he apparently has twice a week. It doesn't really say which subject it is; it's only marked as being with Eraserhead and, just as homeroom, 1-A exclusive.

"What about the afternoon classes?"

Izuku gulps when he sees how sinister Aizawa-sensei grins. "Let's just call them Underground Heroics. I have to be honest with you; someone like you will have to rely on stealth, dirty fighting, weapons and intelligence to become a hero, either underground or limelight. Vlad King can teach you the basics and I'll drill tactics and tricks I've learnt on the streets into you. Do you have any other afternoon activities? If so, you'll have to tell me whether they overlap with the plan."

The boy thinks about his schedule for a moment and then shakes his head. "No" he tells the man, "I have a parcours class on Saturday, another one on Tuesday. Taekwondo is on Wednesday and late in the evening on Saturday and football on Friday and Sunday. Mondays and Thursdays are pretty much free normally, so that's quite well. Eh - I mean..." sheepishly, he shuts up. His teacher's grin somehow intensifies.

"That's good. I won't have to go easy on you then." Izuku has probably just condemned himself to a life full of pain. Shouldn't he feel a bit less giddy about that? Ah, well...

"I'll see you tomorrow, Midoriya." Sensei grabs his yellow sleeping bag and shuffles out of classroom 1-A. Izuku stares after him, still not truly comprehending this day's events. One cannot fault him for that, in all honesty. This day felt like a week. Maybe it has something to do with how quickly everyone else had been expelled.

In a haze, the fifteen year old trots out of UA's facility and to the train station. On his way, he sees a villain fight from afar. A heroine called Stonehunch fires pebbles at high speed out of her rocky hunchback at a sickly thin man with sharp, pointy feet. Izuku knows the heroine will win because the villain already looks as if he's nearly keeling over.

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