Chapter 4: Oddity

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A/N: Before you start reading this chapter I offer you some snacks and drinks:



The first things Izuku sees are small groups of people chatting with each other and some loners sitting at their desks with blank expressions, tipping fast on mobile phones that look either really expensive or dirt cheap. It's the exact same experience as yesterday.

But nobody notices the single 1-A student in the front of the classroom and Izuku feels like air - as if he's even more see-through than the ghost girl in the first row who chats with a pink haired and eyed boy... he goes by unnoticed.

The scene makes him look back into the past. It's not some sort of special memory or a single occurrence. Instead, Izuku remembers a dull pain in his chest that, day by day - sometimes even second by second, would grow and nourish. He recalls overhearing people talking about their meet-ups with their friends and what they did on their weekends. He recalls wanting to be a part of it so badly but never even trying after the first couple of half-assed excuses of why he wasn't invited when seemingly everyone else was.

Whether they are ignoring him deliberately or just haven't noticed him yet doesn't matter as the remembrance of those times still makes him retreat to the empty chair near the teacher's desk that's so obviously his because it stands out like a sore thumb, without attempting to strike a conversation with anybody.

Izuku is glad when the bell announces the start of English. The students don't have to wait long until a dishevelled Present Mic, carrying various utensils and, simultaneously, balancing a cup of coffee, strides into the room. He's less dramatic about it than one would think and his hero outfit is one of the only things that's the same when comparing this Mic to the exuberant one Izuku had seen at his entrance exam - for example, he doesn't show the usual enthusiastic grin he dons when talking to an audience. Also, he's careful when setting down his stuff as to not cause a big ruckus, Izuku presumes.


The teenager flinches. Okay, maybe Present Mic is just always Present Mic and Izuku is only interpreting things into useless observations... that's most likely the case.

"Good morning, Mic-sensei." the class drones back, letting a frown appear on the professional hero's face.

"A little bit more enthusiastic, COME ON! 3 - 2 - 1!"

"GOOD MORNING, MIC-SENSEI!" the sound of twenty-one very mismatched and not at all in sync voices echoes through the room. What a cacophony - something Izuku would never want to hear again - but, apparently, it's music in Mic-sensei's ears (which lets Izuku question his English teacher's hearing) because he flashes them a joyful thumbs up. "GREAT!" he adds to that, "What a nice way to start the morning. Tooooday! We! Will! Look! At! Our! Curriculum! ARE YOU READY?!"

"YEEEAH!" the students roar and a small, impish smirk forms at Mic-sensei's mouth corner.

"They got played." Izuku thinks sheepishly, watching his teacher start the projector. A presentation is shown and immediately, the green haired boy wants to groan. Ugh, what a bore. Izuku knows most things on the list, as far as he can tell, and he already is rather fluent in the English language. That's honestly one of the few things he's glad about when it comes to not having friends. Now, though, he wants to turn back time and erase the idea of using the English side of the internet.

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