Chapter 3: Calm

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A/N: I decided to finally write the third chapter sooo enjoy


He wakes up at his desk with his neck bent in an abnormal way so that he's probably going to feel it for a couple of days. Izuku groans, throws a look at the subtle digital clock on his nightstand and stretches his stiff limbs until seemingly every joint cracks at least once.

It's half past five in the morning. He remembers reading until nine after having eaten his mom's meal. The boy must have been more exhausted than he'd thought because he can't recall when he nodded off. A sudden realization courses through his head, making his heart beat faster.

Today, he'll meet another twenty kids who'll probably judge him for what he is.

Shoving the unpleasant fact to the very back of his mind, he retrieves his timetable and reads over the entry for Tuesdays. Homeroom, English, Modern Hero Art History, a double lesson mathematics and then Heroics.

"Heroics" Izuku thinks apprehensively, "I wonder how that's going to be." Will it be like training? Or will it be theory mixed with exercise? In any case, he'll probably be the odd one out - the only one without a quirk.

After stifling a heavy sigh, he tiptoes down the stairs. May as well begin the day by cooking breakfast for his mother and himself. Usually, it's Inko who has to stand up early but today is her day off and Izuku would rather let her enjoy it.

He throws on the rice cooker and fries some eggs. While doing that, he lets his thoughts drift. What has happened the day before? Was it really him just having an odd reaction to his nerves? Or was it more than that? Because, to be quite honest, Izuku doesn't believe he's imagined the ordeal.

Perhaps he should tell Aizawa-sensei the whole story? After all, the man is a professional hero and could look into it...

Izuku shakes his head. No, he's definitely overreacting. It was just an elderly man whose quirk probably, by the looks of it, had something to do with insecurities or fear and it ran rampage because it sensed Izuku's high levels of anxiety. Nobody else was influenced. To go to Eraserhead and waste his time would make him feel incredibly guilty when it most surely was just a weird quirk ordeal.

He flips the eggs one by one before continuing his musings. Izuku always actively follows the news. As a hero in training he has to do so and no newspaper, radio station or news show on TV mentioned a fear-based villain or criminal. "I won't waste Aizawa-sensei's time." he decides firmly.

Only the sounds of faint footsteps lets Izuku look up. His mother, still wearing her usual nightgown, trots towards the stove and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Good morning, dear." she mumbles, undeniably sleep-drunken.

"Morning, mom."

"Oh, you're making breakfast? You didn't have to, dear." Inko says but smiles at her son's thoughtfulness, "How did you sleep?"

Izuku makes a disgruntled face. "At the desk again." he admits.

"Izukkun..." His mother hugs him, drawing circles on his taut back. "Should I give you a massage? Your muscles are really tense and I don't want you to pull something during Heroics."

"How did you -?" The boy doesn't remember his mother ever having read his timetable.

Inko frowns. "You have to work on your attention, dear. You even greeted me yesterday when I took a picture of it."

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