𝟎.𝟎𝟏 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄

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It was a calm night in this area, some people were walking by, some of them started at them. They weren't bothered by them tho. It only matter that they were together and nobody could change that.

It did change

They weren't the same anymore, didn't look as lovely as it was before. One is busy with his band, the other one is busy with piano lessons. They seem not to find time with each other.

"You reek of alcohol and cigarettes, and you're saying to me that you didn't go anywhere?!" He shouted, the other one stayed quiet.

"Don't lie to me anymore god damn it! It's so freaking pointless, and you're not even getting away with it!" He was stressed, angry and tired. The other didn't come back home for a very long time.

"I had to take freaking stress pills, because you weren't home yet at this hour!" Their both eyes started to water, they didn't think they'll turn out like this.

"I'm really sorry.." He mumbled, he knew if he apologises right now it still won't do any good, but at least he said sorry to him.

"Gosh.. Just please sleep on the couch tonight, I don't want to reek of alcohol and cigarettes from you.." He started walking away.

"I don't even know why I even proposed to you.." He mumbled, that caused the other to stop.


The tears were rolling down his cheeks already, he didn't want to believe what he heard. He knew that he was drunk, but drunk thoughts most of the time are the truth and as intentional he was a big believer with those type of things.

"What did you say?.." He said, not turning around. He didn't want to look too weak in front of his own husband who said he regrets the marriage.

"I said, I don't even know why I proposed to you!" He screamed, this fight will stop everything that they had and they both knew it. "If you can't even sleep with your own husband in the same bed just because he drank a little alcohol and smoked some cigarettes?!"

The silence was too loud, they both realised that this was no good for both of them.

"I'll pack my things tomorrow in the morning, and then I guess I can sleep on the couch." He said going to the bathroom leaving the one who screamed realise the things that he has said.

Instant regret

They had been fighting for quite a while now, and it's non-stop. Every single morning and night, they're both busy, but when theres free time they only communicate with fighting.

He had a really bad headache from this fight, decided to just go to sleep and talk to him in the morning forgetting whatever the sweetheart had said to him with his broken words.

He woke up, getting up he headed to the living room. Seeing a note:

Hi Sapnap,
I've decided after that night fight that we had again, that was the last one. And I really hope you agree with me on this too. Please, I don't want that type of a husband that screams and that gets us in a fight every single day. Yes, I start some fights too and I don't blame you for every fight that happened in this house. You say that you promise that it's the last time, but there never is, it's never stopping. I've been struggling and I know you have been too, I hoped we could go through this together, but it keeps leading us to fights and I don't want them. I'll get divorce papers sent to you as soon as possible, please accept them.


Deep regret hit him.

He's divorcing a sweetheart that he fell in love with. He's leaving him forever because of his doings. He wished he never said those things when he was drunk.

Yes he was still there but that time the drunk him took the words out of his mouth, that was a lie. He never wanted to divorce him at all, he loved him a lot.

He'll divorce him, he knows that the other one needs a break. He promises himself that he'll change and bring his sweetheart back.

At the start of their relationship or marriage you can say, it was lovely, sweet. Now it's just with cigarettes,alcohol, never ending fights. They changed throughout that marriage year, but they can't lie to themselves that they don't love each other even through the fights.

we meet there again -karlnapWhere stories live. Discover now