𝟏.𝟎𝟔 𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐓

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I got to the grocery store to buy some food for myself, I felt someone somewhat crash into me

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I got to the grocery store to buy some food for myself, I felt someone somewhat crash into me.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry!"

That voice..

"Ah! It's no worried! I'm oka-" My heart dropped, like literally. I saw him again.

He was here standing right in front of me, alive and well. Well I kinda knew that he was well but thats not the point.

He looked like he got much more self confidence and I'm happy for him. He looks sober and I didn't even smell cigarettes on him.

"Karl.." I heard him say, that made me get away from all of my thought's. "Hey" I spoke, my voice sounded so cold, it sounded like I was a heartless person again.

"I'm sorry again, are you okay?" He sounded worried, I felt bad but my emotions were not showing at the moment.

"I'm okay as I said, thanks." I was so cold, I didn't fell well at all. I felt sick, or maybe it was only butterflies in my stomach.

He looked so different the last time I saw him, like in real life and not on instagram. He looked like he grew a bit, hes now a bit taller then me.

"This is really awkward.." He said, something in me made me mad. "Then don't make it awkward."

Wow, okay. At this moment I was so disappointed in my act because it was so bad and I was super mean to him and I didn't even wanted to act like that.

He looked at me weirdly, this was new. It sounded like had an attitude, which probably I had developed in my home breakdowns.

I decided to not give him another chance whenever I meet him, but this was different. It felt like I wanted him to talk to me more and be friend or even more.

"Uhh could we talk after we shop? It's okay if you don't want to I understa-"

"Okay." I interrupted him, that was exactly what I wanted and I will not let it go.

"You have the same car right?" I nod, yes Sapnap. The same car you got me for my 20th birthday. I never sold it, I couldn't.

"I'll wait next to it then" And that's when he walked away. I could see he was nervous to talk to me, but so was I. But I hid it under the attitude, that I had developed.

I sighed and continued shopping for groceries.

*Time skip*

I paid for the groceries and went to my car, I saw Sapnap putting his groceries into his car. I opened my car and put mine too.

"Hello, again" He walked up to me, I closed the door and turned to him.

"This is a weird place to talk, like I mean in a parking lot you know?" He said, I can tell that he's nervous. But I can't lie that I'm not nervous either.

"Yeah thats true." I said, I tried not to look at him, but my eyes still went on him.

"Maybe can I ask you out? Not a date if you don't want to, just to catch up?" He asked, I sighed. I had a  lot on my shoulders.

If he added more pressure on them I could probably break down any second then.

"Yeah, okay." I answered, I gave in and I'm not regretting about it now, not yet.

"Yes! Thank you a lot Karl! Okay, okay. Tomorrow, can I pick you up?" Does he even know where I live?

"Mhm, my apartment is XXXX-OO." I said, I believe he would have asked, but I need to get home as fast as I can. I have a cat to feed!

He wrote my address on his note app."Okay, thank you a lot Karl! See you tomorrow!" He waved and went to his car.

I waved back, I sighed and went into my car. I started driving back home.

I unlocked my house and brought all my groceries into my house. My cat met me in the kitchen when I put my vegetables in the fridge.

"Hey, honey." I brushed my hand against her fur, she purred. I put whatever was left on the counter and grabbed her food.

She immediately waited at her bowl, I poured some food into it.

I heard a ding from my phone on the couch, I left it there when I came back. I put her food away and get my phone.

It was a message from Sapnap on Instagram.

Hey Karl, I just wanted to say that we are going to go in a coffee shop so you don't have to dress like formally or anything.
Dress however you want and whatever you're comfortable in!

He knows I love coffee shops, when we were married he always took me whenever I had a bad day. I smiled that he actually texted me and told me where we will be going.

Hi, thanks for telling where we will be going. I was about to ask but you texted already.

That was really quick, I turned off my phone and I didn't even wanted to wait for the response.

I went inside my bedroom and looked inside the closet. I need to find something or I'll scream and probably go naked.

No I wouldn't do that.


I picked a green over-sized sweater, baggy jeans, a necklace that my mom gave me on my 20th birthday.

I liked the outfit and I hope he likes it too, gosh what did I just say?

I need to clear my mind...

we meet there again -karlnapWhere stories live. Discover now