Divided We Fall

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n retrospect, Gov knew it had been a mistake.

He knew sending Fred as one of the substitute meeting leaders wasn't the best idea he had, but he was too busy to lead with his workload doubled because of his brother's breakdown, and the states needed to have those meetings for updates. He was hoping maybe Fred would just get the needed information, and then come back to Washington without any drama.

Like IDC said, Gov was a fucking idiot.

Of course he wasn't surprised to hear from Kentucky that Fred managed to re-open old wounds and drive the states apart, of course he wasn't surprised that the meeting ended in a huge fight, like a huge pre-2020 fight, and no one was speaking to each other.

Leaving the Statehouse though, that was surprising.

Gov initially worried about DC who probably heard what happened and was possibly upset with everyone gone, but his brother had reassured him that it was fine.

"They're all dramatic." DC said with a soft smile as Gov handed him some food. "They'll come back in a week tops. You'll see."

Who knew things would go to shit just a few days after what happened?

It had started as a normal day. Gov, who was in a word 'babysitting' DC (he really hated that word and wished Georgia would stop calling it that), had gotten an urgent phone call from Dizzy that some pipes burst in their apartment and the landlord needed everyone out of the building. There was no one around to make sure DC would take his meds or eat, but DC shooed him out of the house with a promise that he would handle it and the apartment was more important. Gov bit back a comment and after making DC swear that he would take care of himself, he popped to Washington, DC to take care of any issues there.

Apparently at the same time Gov popped away, a neighbor came by with her three kids distressed. She was due for work and her husband had Covid, and DC watched her children before could he watch them now? Just for a few hours.

DC was never able to say no.

Gov returned to the Statehouse around six o'clock at night, aggravated and exhausted. It had taken seven hours to sort the plumbing out, and his apartment still wasn't dry. Thankfully Washington offered to let Dizzy stay the night in his apartment, which solved that issue, but he was going to start looking into some legislation about landlord regulation when this entire incident was over.

The government sighed as he entered the Statehouse, holding a box of pizza in his hands. "Dee." He called, closing the door behind him. "I know it's technically not on your special diet, but I figured what the hell. Your son doesn't need to know." Gov rounded the corner of the couch, faced where his brother laid then froze.

DC looked like shit. He was all pale and sweaty and was clutching the blanket Gov had placed over him earlier that day like it was a lifesaver and he'd float away without it. Gov quickly abandoned the pizza box, and ran to his brother's side.

"Dee! The hell happened?" Gov asked horrified. A million thoughts ran through his mind, one of them was call CDC and how did he get this bad? DC turned his head to Gov and spoke in a weak, raspy voice.

"I feel weak Gov. Why....why do I feel so bad?"

Things went from bad to worse pretty quickly after that.

Gov immediately called CDC who verified his worst fears.

"I-It's Covid." CDC announced solemnly. "I-I don't know h-how he g-got it b-but it's Covid." Gov cursed and kicked the ground, in his weakened state, this was not a good turn of events.

"What can we do?" Gov asked, trying to keep an air of calm, not only for himself or his brother, but his nephew as well. It was clear CDC was worried himself but tried to keep it professional.

"M-Make him comfortable, get the virus out of him." CDC said confidently. But he quickly bowed his eyes. "B-But d-dad is i-in for a fight."

Kentucky and Georgia were devastated when they found out DC had Covid but Gov forbade them from visiting at the risk they'd get it too. It was just Gov and occasionally CDC, working around the clock trying to get DC back to at least minimal health so he could continue his recovery.

But it was hard and DC was getting weaker and weaker, despite the medicine CDC was providing and the care Gov provided. Gov was at the end of his rope, and fearful that he was about to lose his brother. With nowhere else to turn, Gov quickly sent out an email to all the states, begging them to come back to the Statehouse to see DC. He didn't think anyone would respond, they were all too mad at one another to come back together to help DC recover. And for a few days, he was right.

Gov was cooking up some soup in the kitchen when the front door opened. He thought it was CDC, and called out for him, telling him that DC had just settled down for a nap. He was shocked when a few New England states tumbled into the kitchen all falling over one another. Gov couldn't get a word in edgewise before the door opened again and more states came in, demanding to see DC. Wordlessly Gov pointed to the bedroom, and the states started trampling to the feds room. Gov took the soup off the burner and rushed to DC's bedroom to make sure he hadn't been overwhelmed by the sudden influx of people. The states had made sure DC's boyfriends got to his side first, all five scattered around making sure he was alright and sleeping peacefully. The others stood in huddled groups, mumbling to one another and talking about how sick he was.

As if he sensed people around him, DC slowly opened his eyes, and gazed into the faces of his states looking around above him. He smiled weakly.

"Guys. You came back." DC whispered, feeling the most comfortable he had in days.

Miraculously DC recovered from Covid just only a couple days later, thanks to the combined efforts of CDC, Gov and the states who came back. Fred was moved back pushing paperwork, and Gov continued to look for a replacement while DC recovered. But neither government personification could shake what had happened, how DC got Covid, and recovered from it as soon as the states came back. It was like the states saved his life, and if they hadn't reunited and came back, he would've passed on.

But that was ridiculous right? 

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