Kickassia Joins the Table

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A/N: I'm trying to get back into writing from my depression, and I decided on this. 

You're not gonna understand this if you don't know what Kickassia is. Uh....Nostalgia Critic and 'friends' invade Molossia. M. Critic is the Nostalgia Critic. I thought this was funny. 

May 18, 2010

DC: We have a light meeting today guys-


(various technical glitches around the room)

DC: Who the hell are you?

Nevada: Sorry, he followed me here.

M. Critic: I am M. Critic, I am the leader of Kickassia.

DC: Kickassia?

Nevada: You know that small part of my land that isn't owned by the state or government and is technically its own nation?

DC: Yeah?

Nevada: He took it over. With nerds.

Texas: Remind me to ask him how he did that later.

M. Critic: How dare you, the Kickassian army is the strongest group of film critics, comic book readers, and video game players in the world!

Florida: So nerds.

M. Critic: Yes nerds.

Florida: Hm. I hereby rename myself State Whopass.

DC: Excuse me????

Louisiana: Hey why da Florida get to change his name??

DC: No one is changing anyone's name!

California: Technically our names were changed from the native people who originally lived on our land before the white people took it over.

M. Critic: Dear God, is he always like this?

Nevada: You get used to it.

Louisiana: What about 'State Fuck Around and Find Out'?

Pennsylanvia: Hey I claimed that one already!


DC: Kickassia-

M. Critic: M. Critic.

DC: Whatever. What does do?

M. Critic: We have put together the finest group of reviewers-

Florida: (cough) Nerds.

M. Critic: I will shoot you with my laser chair I swear to God.

Florida: He gets a laser chair????? (pouts)

M. Critic: Anyway we plan to run our community together, everyone using their collective strengths to make our country great.

Texas: Sounds like communism to me.

DC: That actually sounds beautiful, M. Critic you must be a good leader.

M. Critic: Yes. I mostly sit around and watch Hogan's Heroes though.

DC: Excuse me?

California: Sounds like someone else sitting at this table, huh DC?

DC: I don't even know what Hogan's Heroes is!

Ben: It's a TV show from the sixties.

Florida: Why are you even here? You're like....thirteen right now in real life.

Ben: Stupidity transcends time.

DC: Well it was nice meeting you, M. Bison, and I'm excited to hear about your plans.

M. Critic: Mmm yes. And I will be back. You'll get to hear all my glorious plans for KICKASSIA and THE WORLD!

Nevada: Alright big boy let's go-

M. Critic: You're not the boss of me!

Nevada: You're in my state, yes I am. (pulls out)

M. Critic: (off screen) I'LL RETURN.


Florida: State Punch First Ask Questions Later

DC: Stop it. 

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