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After the shock had worn off, Ria was back to her old self in no time. Count on her to to flirt after being chased by god-knows-what while being basically lost in a dark forest.

"Listen, you wanna be adored. Worshiped. I can make that happen." She proposed, holding her hands up in mock surrender when Emma gave her a playful glare. "I mean, come on."

"Is that your way of persuading me to be your girlfriend? Cause it's not working." Emma deadpanned, watching as Ria slightly pouted before she smiled teasingly. "Okay, maybe just a little."

As the two were busy giggling, they failed to notice Jacob backing up infront of them, back faced towards them. Ria was the first to notice, screaming in suprise. Emma then screamed when she heard Ria scream which was followed by Jacob letting out a scream of his own as he turned around.

"Oh, god! Emma! Ah, Jesus Christ." Jacob breathed, hand over his heart. He calmed down and gave the two a smile. "Oh my god, no way! Am I glad to see you both!" 

Ria crossed her arms and gave him a subdued glare as Emma punched him in the chest, sending him toppling backwards. She wasn't unhappy to see him, but he did leave her and Emma alone themselves in the lake.

"You left us back there, dickwad!" Ria said in frustration as she looked down at jacob who sat up in the grass, giving Emma and her a bewildered look.

"Ria- come on." He got up with a grunt. Emma and Ria stared him down menacingly as he did, honestly, it intimidated him a little bit.

"What the fuck is going on?" Emma finally asked.

"I don't know, okay. Some like..bear attacked Alina, Anthony and Abi back there."

"Yeah! Us too! But it was definitely not a bear!" Ria replied.

"What?" While pointing to his sister, Jacob questioned angrily. "Who? When?!"

Ria was touched by how worried he was about them being harmed in his own unique way. Though she couldn't properly answer his question, even if she wanted too.

"What? Why?" Ria remarked. "Don't worry. I handled it." She said with a smug grin while Emma just gave him a quizzical look. "..what's with all the questions?"

"Sorry. I'm just-" He sighed. "I'm glad you're both okay."

Before Ria could say something sentimental back, Emma spoke. "Yeah. Barely. I mean the thing that attacked us at the treehouse was like.." 

Ria slipped her hand into Emma's, squeezing it as a way of comforting her without raising too much suspicion to Jacob. Her sneaky hold of Emma's hand caught Jacob's attention anyway, and he peered up at Ria with squinted eyes as she was too preoccupied with Emma to notice his glare.

"What? it was like what, emma?" He asked firmly.

"Like..out of a horror movie." Ria answered for her and Emma squeezed her hand aswell. Emma was suppressing her fear, and she was only marginally successful.

"Okay, um, well it-it was probably just like a- a bear trying to defend itself." 

"Jacob, how are you going to tell us what we saw?" Ria deadpanned. "Don't be stupid. it wasent a fucking bear!" Ria was yelling at him without thought. Her brother was just trying to make light of the situation, but due to how stressed she was, she couldn't seem to notice or care.

"No, your right, your right. And now we have these fucking..hunters running all over the place, So, that's a fun new wrinkle." He said caustically, pointing at his blood covered face. "They did this to me."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, ᵀʰᵉ QᵘᵃʳʳʸWhere stories live. Discover now