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Abigail entered the nursing station with a cup of tea as she looked at Alina who was laid down on the bed. She hastily moved towards her. "Hey..I couldn't find anything to eat. Kitchens pretty cleaned out. Oh shoot, I left my bag." Abigail realized before she shook her head. "Anyways, I-I brought you this."

Alina gave her a small smile as she placed the cup down on the table next to Alina, close enough so that she could reach it.

"That was..fuck, I don't even know what happened, It was all just a blur." Alina said weakly as Abigail gave her a sympathetic look.

"How are you feeling?"

Alina shook her head. "How are you holding up?"

"" Abigail stuttered. "I'm-im just happy you're okay.. Are you okay? I'm sorry. I-I just asked you that. I-'

Alina cut her off with a chuckle. "Your cute."

Abigail stopped to look at her, a blush creeping on her face. "T-Thank you."

"Mhm." Alina hummed, grabbing her hand gently. "I appreciate the fact that you tried to help me."  Abigail smiled at her while Kaitlyn eased into the room.

"Alright, they're off to find a radio or something." She stated. Abigail immediately noticed the rifle in her hand.

"What's with the- um..the-"

"Oh-Uh-They found another in Mr. H's office So, just in case." Kaitlyn assured, Abigail slowly nodding.

"Uh, what happened to the lights?" She asked.

"Not sure." Kaitlyn muttered, looking up at the lightbulb before she looked down at Alina. "Any better?"

"Peachy." Alina flashed her a little grin, but it wasn't genuine. She was in terrible pain, but she managed to conceal it effectively enough that nobody noticed.

"Wait, are they going to the radio hut?" Abigail asked Kaitlyn who looked back at her.

"Phones dead, they're going to try and send out an SOS or something." She explained. "We're holding down the fort."

"Anthony's with them?" Alina asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Nope. He's taking a nap with Nick at the moment." Kaitlyn replied. The three of them looked up as they heard a sound come from upstairs. Alina could faintly hear footsteps.

"Did anybody else hear that?" Alina asked the two, Kaitlyn quick to shush her.

"I thought you said Nick and Anthony were asleep..?" Abigail whispered.

"Stay here, I'll check it out." Kaitlyn ordered. Alina was quick to lean forward. "We dont know what's out there. Could be dangerous."

"Yeah, that's why I'm going to check it out." Kaitlyn whispered back, Alina slowly laid back down as she watched Kaitlyn leave the room. When Kaitlyn reached the entrance, she was quick to notice that Anthony was no longer in nick's lap, and the exit door was cracked open.

Alina and Abigail stayed silent after Kaitlyn had left. Alina glanced at her nervous girlfriend as she sat down in the chair, slightly rocking back and forth. She was determined to take her mind off things, so she made up some excuse to start a conversation with her.

"Hey, so this may be..bad timing and all, per se, but.." Alina bit her lip nervously as she looked at Abigail.

"What?" Abigail asked as she looked over at her.

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