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Abigail held tightly onto Alina, placing her head against her chest to hear her steady heartbeat. The two had decided to leave the bonfire due to the heavy tension in the air—something neither of them was a fan off— and had found a bench in the woods that they decided to snuggle on until it was late  enough. 

"You think everyone's doing okay?" Alina suddenly asked, twirling her finger around a pink strand of Abigail's hair.

"Hopefully." Abigail sighed. somehow, sitting in the middle of the dark woods didn't bother Abigail. Not since Alina was here with her.

"You know," Alina started. "Ria and Emma could be a thing for sure. Don't you think?"

"Isn't Emma like..straight?"

"I don't know." Alina shrugged. "Isn't she your best friend?"

"Yeah..good point." Abigail sighed, pulling away so that she could look at Alina. "I don't know, honestly. She and Ria play around but.."

"That's kinda just how Emma is." Alina finished the sentence, Abigail nodding.

Alina smiled contently, leaning back on the bench so that she was laying on it with her feet hanging off. She placed her hands on the back of her head, looking up at the stars. "You know, I named one after you."

"Named what after me?" Abigail asked, sitting on the bench next to her.

"A star."

Abigail looked up in awe before she turned back to Alina with a grin. "Which one?"

"That one." Alina pointed to the second biggest start there, "I think it fits you because, well, before we were together, I used to wish on shooting stars to meet someone I could cherish and adore more than anyone else. Then, as if by magic, you appeared. someone who want to be cherished and adored. It's basically fate," Alina chuckled lightly. "And now that we're together, I sometimes glance up at the stars and reflect on how it in some ways brought us together...Does that make sense?"

Abigail thought for a moment. Alina has always been interested in constellations and similar things such as that, and she even got Abigail interested in it too. Abigail smiled at that fact that alina had involved her with something she was passionate about.

"Yeah, it does."

Alina turned her head towards her, a small smile on her face. Abigail leaned in, pressing a quick and gentle kiss on her lips. She felt Alina smile even wider in the middle of it.


Without caring if he was on the trail or not, Anthony rushed out into the woods. His emotions were so conflicted; he likes Nick. But when Emma kissed Ria, it seemed as though his entire reality had been shattered. Sure, he knew Ria wasn't interested in him, but seeing her with someone else was entirely different.

He eventually stopped, leaning against his wall to give himself a break. Using crutches took a surprising amount of upper body strength.


Anthony jumped up as he heard his name being called. He calmed down when he noticed Nick standing there with a flashlight. "Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah. The game just got a little bit too tense for me...With Emma kissing Ria instead of Jacob and all." Anthony explained, leaning back against the tree with a sigh.

"Oh, Right. Nick said quietly, lowering his flashlight.

"It's whatever. I'm over it. I kinda expected that anyway, you know?" 

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