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(Skipped chapter seven because it was just Laura's storyline.)


Anthony was stunned. Who wouldn't be? He'd just discovered a family secret that his father, in particular, had kept hidden from him for years. Travis told him he would never find out for his own safety. He could see why; it would be difficult to tell a teenage boy that half of his family were werewolves, but he wasn't a teenager anymore. He was an adult. Why didn't his father tell him? Maybe just a warning, or a heads-up about what was going on around them would've been nice.

Max—Laura's boyfriend—was apparently bitten by the werewolf version of his uncle Chris. She then told them that killing the werewolf who bit them in the first place was the only way to turn them back which was good news to Anthony since it meant he could get Alina back. She also explained how Travis had imprisoned her and Max, ostensibly for the greater good since Max was technically dangerous and was the cause of Laura's scarred face. She also talked about someone called Silas and what Ryan described at the 'Hag of hackett's' quarry and a whole bunch of things Anthony didn't even think were real.

Nick noticed Anthony's blank expression and frowned. He knew this was probably a lot to take in. Not only did this woman kill his cousin, but was now planning on killing his uncle aswell. He could tell the boy was arguing to himself over if he should help her or not.

"Where is Chris Hackett?" Laura finally asked, snapping Anthony out of his daze. He understood where she was coming from, but that still doesn't mean he'd allow this stranger to kill his uncle or put his family in any harm.

"Shut up." Ryan replied sharply, his grip on the rifle tight as it was still slightly aimed at her.

"Wow, rude." Laura mumbled, looking away from him.

"Guys! She murdered Kaylee." Ryan looked at the rest of them, hoping they would see were he was coming from and why his guard was up.

"We've been over this." Laura said to him.

Ryan shifted slightly, speaking to Kaitlyn without taking his eyes off Laura. "Uh, Kaitlyn..what do I do?"

Laura scoffed. "Oh wow. Real strong showing on the leadership front."

Anthony thought about how good Ria and Laura would get along. They both had the wits, the sarcasm. It almost made him crack a smile at the thought of them becoming friends.

"I said shut up!" Ryan shot back at her.

"Oh no way, I am not getting Involved. This is all you, buddy. Just..Think about everything that's happened tonight, okay? That's all I'll say." Kaitlyn said.

"Honestly, yeah. After what we just what she's saying really that bizzare?" Nick hesitantly said, catching Ryan's attention.

Ryan swallowed before he looked back at Laura. "Hold up. said you heard a woman crying? When you escaped?"

"Why?" Laura's eyes darted around the room. "What do you know?"

Arms still folded, Abigail walked over to the two."It's the ghost story he told us about, right kaitlyn?"

"This isn't a ghost story. it's a creature feature. It's really happening and your all in it."  Laura looked at them all before she walked up to Abigail. Anthony tensed up. Since Alina was..unavailable, he made it his objective to keep Abigail out of harms way. He knew it was what she would've wanted and he planned on fulfilling that wish for her.

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