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"Okay, Mr. Stick-up-his-ass, what's going on?" Ria asked, crossing her arms over her chest while Emma stood a little farther away from the two

"I did this for her."

"What?" Ria scoffed.

"I did it for her, Ria. Emma. The whole reason we're stuck out here. I wanted to give her a chance to see what she was missing out on." Jacob spat, Ria looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Jacob, what the literal fuck are you talking about."

"Oh my god, The van, Ria! The van. I made it stop working for her." Jacob shouted, stabbing a finger in Emma's direction.

"Oh, Jacob. What have you done." Ria shook her head.

"This whole night? It was supposed to be fun!"

Ria placed a hand over her face, turning away from Jacob. She took a deep breath in, trying to stop herself from doing something irrational. This was entirely selfish on jacob's part. He delayed everyone from going home so that he had a chance to make up with Emma—even though she constantly told him it wasent going to work out and was now dating someone that was herself.

"Um. Earth to Ria? Hey." Jacob stepped closer to her. Ria spun around, punching him right in his nose. She hissed, shaking her hand after the impact.

"Jesus Christ Adrianna!" Jacob yelled, holding onto his now bruised nose.

"You did all did this just so you could have a last-minute boning session with someone who has already moved on for fucking weeks? Fuck, Jacob. Your seriously fucked up."

 Ria chuckled bitterly. "Did you ever stop and think about why she left you?"

"So she could suck face with you?" Jacob grumbled sarcastically, wiping the crimson blood from his nose.

"Oh my fucking god." Ria scoffed, stepping closer to him. "Shes not. A fucking, prize. You can't win her over! We're not fucking competing!"

Jacob gave her a sardonic smile. "Oh, so you think im a loser."

"It's not a game, Jacob! Get that through your skull already." Ria shouted, not only angry, but disappointed.

"Oh, ok. Well, do you give a shit about how I feel? Because last time I checked, sisters don't fuck around with their brothers girlfriends."

"Shes not your girlfriend. She wasn't when I kissed her, either." Ria told him calmly. "Obviously I care about you. Your my brother for fucks sake, but you need to get over it. It was just a game."

"But you liked it."

"And if I did?" Ria asked harshly, looking him directly in his eyes. "Yeah, I like Emma. I've liked her before you even spared her a fucking glance. And she likes me too. The fuck are you gonna do about it?" Ria clenched her jaw shut. "Listen, im not afraid to cut you out if you don't give me the ability to be happy, okay? i need you to understand that i can and will survive without you if I must."

Jacob tilted his head back slightly, his lips twitching in a smile before his expression dulled."That's..that's really cold."

"When this is done, you better stay the fuck stay from Emma or i will personally beat the living shit out of you. Is that cold enough for you?"


I wanted to do this extra clip, but not add it in the story bc like, I don't want them angry at each other  😧

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